Straightening her shoulders, Yesenia brushed off the years of snide remarks, and put downs, and feeling as if she were born the wrong species. None of those people would even be born for decades.

Leo, Ambrose, Nora, and her new friends here in the nineteenth century needed her help. It was far past time to believe in herself, to prove she could be a motherfucking badass magic user.

Taking a deep breath, Yesenia finally nodded. "Let's see what Diana can tell me first and then I'll make a plan from there." She gestured toward the sofa and chairs. "Time is of the essence."

And as Charlotte and Diana sat on the sofa, Yesenia forced herself to sit in one of the chairs. As she waited for the prediction, she rubbed her hand against her pants, trying to push aside her flash of nervousness. While she still had lots of time to warn her siblings before interfering in her own timeline, she didn't have much wiggle room to help Leo.

In other words, she had one chance to help the man she was half in love with, the male she wanted to needle and prod at every opportunity, followed by stupendous make-up sex, for the rest of her life.

She had one shot and Yesenia was determined not to fuck it up.

Once she had Diana's vision and offer to guide her movements into the near future—with a seer’s directions it would take less effort on Yesenia's part, or so she was told, meaning she could focus on dissembling and reassembling the necessary items—she quickly ordered the necessary supplies brought to the room, ones that Rebecca had apparently brought with her, strengthening Yesenia's guess about Khan knowing this would happen.

Once she gripped the augmenter's hand in one of hers and the seer's in the other, Yesenia closed her eyes and wished with everything she had that she didn't end up hurting more than she helped.

It was time to prove to both the world and herself that she was a fae witch on the road to becoming one of the most powerful, as all time-wielders before her had been.

She might be a late starter, but she was done with letting that hold her back.