His brows furrowed further, wondering if he'd heard her correctly. Surely not. "Going forward?"

She raised his fist and slowly unclenched his fingers one by one until she held his hand between her two smaller ones. "You think after telling me all those painful memories that I'd just toss you aside? I'm made of sterner stuff than that."

"Of course you are, but…"

"But what? There was a miscommunication, you apologized, and even shared more of yourself, which is what I've wanted for a while. We can talk about next stepsifthey're needed. However, last night was the best sex of my life, and I'd like some more of it, if you're game."

As she stroked the palm of his hand, his tension faded, slowly being replaced with heat. "I'm not sure which game you're referring to, but if it means we're both naked, I will try it."

She laughed. "Good. Then I'll have to think of a few."

She winked and all he could do was shake his head. "I still don't understand how you can accept what I shared so easily."

Yesenia rolled her eyes. "You think you're the only one with a shitty father? I mentioned how mine tried to use my brother’s and sister's powers for financial gain, uncaring what they used it for if it meant money in his pocket. Oh, and let's not forget how he pretty much blackmailed me into marrying the vampire mob boss who wanted me as a broodmare. Trust me, there's a contest between our fathers for the title of worst dickhead dad."

Being reminded of what his bride had gone through caused a growl to escape him before he could stop it. "Maybe you should bring your father here so I can make him understand his error in ever threatening you or those you love."

She squeezed his hand in hers. "He's not worth it, not really. As awful a person as it makes me, I'm hoping he'll learn his lesson once I bring Meadow and River here and he doesn't have any more children to barter and sell off. For once, he'll finally have to face the consequences of his own actions."

He reached out his free hand and stroked Yesenia's cheek. "You're the farthest thing from awful, Yesenia. If anything, you're far more lenient that I would be in your situation. After all, I did make my father's last years hellish from the shadows."

Her brows raised. "Oh, you so need to teach me. That way I can learn a few tricks, just in case anyone threatens me or mine again."

He traced her brow, her nose, and then her jaw. "And to think such a beautiful package hides a rather ruthless interior."

She sniffed. "That's the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?"

"Males are not beautiful."

"Oh, yes they are. Look at that jaw, and those eyes, and even the cheekbones." She sighed. "Even if you're a little pale, it only makes you more handsome, for reasons I can't understand." He opened his mouth, but she beat him to it. "If you want me to stop going on about male beauty, then tell me about those secret punishments you gave your father. I need to beef up on my nineteenth century options."

When she leaned forward, her eyes full of curiosity, he knew he couldn't deny her. He probably could never deny her, unless her safety was involved. He wanted to give her any and everything she wanted.

Bloody hell. He was in trouble.

And even if he wouldn't force her to remain in 1890, he was going to try to convince her to stay. Because if Yesenia left him, he wasn't sure he could go back to the cold, contained, distant male he'd been for so long. Oh, he could do that publicly, but he grew addicted more each day to revealing himself around the fae witch in ways he'd never do with others.

It was almost as if the female from the future was home to him.

Fuck his enemies and any threats to her. He'd find a way to make it work, he just had to. Because now that he'd found home after nearly ninety years of life, he wasn't about to give it up.

So when she murmured, "Please, Leo? Won't you share some techniques with me? I hate being ignorant," his last shreds of resistance faded.

After sitting next to her at the head of the bed, he patted his legs. She frowned. "What?"

"If you want to hear this, then you're going to sit in my lap."

"I know I should refuse to rile you up a little—I love doing that, you know—but screw that. You're much warmer than a blanket."

She crawled into his lap, laid her head on his chest, and Leo slowly wrapped his arms around his bride. He held her a few seconds and stroked her back, reveling in how such a fiery, tiny thing had become precious to him so quickly.


At her reminder, he settled in to share some of the things he'd done to make his father's life hell. True, she might use them against him one day if he angered her, but he didn't care. Because the more he shared, the longer he could hold his fae witch. And if it meant one day she'd take her vengeance on him with the information, it would be worth it for the time he held her now.