With each passing second, her energy returned bit by bit. She stroked Leo’s sweaty back, inhaling his addictive scent, and reveled in being surrounded by hard male muscle.

But when he rolled off her, his cock slipping free, she stilled as it dawned on her that she'd forgotten to discuss one very important thing—some sort of birth control.

Leo tried to bring her across his chest to lay against him, but she sat up and resisted. Whatever post-orgasmic haze she had vanished as the truth truly sank in about what they’d done.

She'd been a fucking idiot to forget something so important. Males in this time probably didn't think anything of it. But if she ended up pregnant, she might not have the choice of ever going back to her time. At least not for a long while.

One second of lust-filled stupidity might keep her trapped here for who knew how long, maybe forever if there was a child since she wouldn't want to deny Leo his offspring.

Maybe she wanted that, maybe she didn't. What she didn't like was having the decision taken from her.

Leo sat up and tried to take her hand. She pulled it away and asked shakily, "Why didn't you at least pull out before you came?"

He frowned. "Why? You're my bride, Yesenia. Mine to claim, which you agreed to."

She shook her head. "I thought the bite was enough to satisfy your instinct given how it'll leave a mark all other vampires and shifters can see for the rest of my life."

His brows drew even closer together. "The bite is only part of it. Male vampires need to release inside their fated one to complete the claim. I thought you knew that."

Yet another thing her vampire studies class—and that coworker—had brushed over, and it was a rather damn important point. And to think Nora had asked if she knew what to expect, and Yesenia had said yes. "I-I didn't know that, no."

She moved to scoot off the bed, but Leo lightly grabbed her wrist. "There's no guarantee there will be a child, Yesenia."

"Easy for you to say." She tugged her arm and he finally released her so she could jump off the bed. As she dressed, Yesenia added, "It's been how many years since you entered your frozen state and waited for me? Your sperm are probably bursting with energy." She finally finished dressing, gathered his clothes, and tossed them at him. "Just hurry up and leave, Leo. Before I say something I might regret come morning."

He tugged his shirt on before saying, "I never intended to trick you. I assumed you knew."

She muttered, "Assume makes an ass out of u and me." At his puzzled looked, Yesenia shook her head and pointed toward the door. "Please, Leo. I just need some space. It's better for you to go right now and we can talk later."

At the please, Leo shut his mouth, dressed quickly, and went to the door. Before he opened it, he stated, "This discussion is far from over, Yesenia. We'll talk more about this in the morning."

He stared at her for a beat, his expression unreadable once more, and finally left. Once he was gone, she sat on the bed and rubbed her eyes. Maybe she wouldn't care so much if she didn't have such a mountain of shit to worry about—her sister and brother, trying to control her powers, the goal of saving those she loved more than anything, even the damn French vampires maybe wanting to kidnap her and torture her.

But no, she'd enjoyed Leo's claiming far too much and had forgotten to establish one very important stipulation—try not to get her pregnant.

Not that she was going to let it stop her. She'd have a frank discussion with Rebecca about what she could do if it came to that. Fae witches didn't stop using magic simply because they were knocked up.

Although she admittedly didn't know much about time travel and pregnancy. Any person of her bloodline could go back and forth through time. But what about children? Was it the same? And would moving herself while pregnant affect an unborn child and harm them?

Sighing, she stood and ignored the slight twinges between her thighs and at her neck. Whatever may come, the deed was done. All she could do was clean up, try to sleep, hope Leo didn't have freakishly determined sperm, and figure out what to say to her vampire when she next saw him.