When he finally released her finger, he kissed her palm and whispered, "Only if you're strong enough."

"I will be."

The corner of his mouth ticked up. "Just because you order it so doesn't make it true."

She raised her brows. "Considering how I just agreed to let you bite and fuck me, I thought you'd finally be nicer to me."

His smile widened, his fangs in full view. The sight no longer unsettled her, but rather made her neck ache to feel them. "Is that what you really want? A simpering idiot who always obeys you?"

Maybe some females would like a male who did their every bidding without complaint, but the image seemed rather boring to her. She preferred males with spines, even if Leo drove her crazy at times. "No. Although if you can try your best not to piss me off tonight, that will probably end better for you."

He leaned over, nuzzled her cheek with his own, and she could barely focus on his reply. "Somehow, I think arguing and then fucking to make up would be extraordinary with you."

The vision of them growling at each other before kissing and tearing off their clothes flashed into her mind. She pressed her thighs together to try and squelch the effect it had on her.

He chuckled, kissed her jaw, and his hot breath danced against her cheek as he said, "I see you like that idea. But for once, I won't plan the evening down to the letter. I'll arrive at your chambers after supper and go from there." He nibbled her earlobe and her head fell to the side, giving him better access. He continued, "Rest up, Yesenia. I very much want you to enjoy my claiming later."

She nodded, unable to say anything with Leo so close. His heat, his scent, just his overall presence did things to her heart and lady parts she didn't understand.

Fae witches didn't have fated ones. And yet, it was almost as if her body didn't agree with that and instantly melted for him.

With one last kiss, he finally pulled away and she clenched her fingers to keep from reaching for him. If she seduced him now, she wouldn't last long. The restorative drink had helped, but she needed food and a nap if she was to enjoy Leo and his cock later.

He put out a hand. "Let me help you to your room."

Placing her fingers into his, she stood with his help. They remained mostly silent the entire walk to her suite of rooms, each of them stealing glances as if they were teenagers with their first crushes.

It was embarrassing, really. And she missed the ease and banter from before she'd agreed to let him claim her. She only hoped it would go back to the status quo after the fact.

All too soon Leo was gone and Yesenia was left alone to imagine what would happen in the coming hours.

Not to mention she couldn't stop thinking about how much she'd gone from dreading Leo's bite to anticipating it more than anything.