Which was exactly why he needed to fuck her, claim her, and figure out what to do with her after that. Only once his bride instinct was tamed could he truly protect her.

For a second, Yesenia remained eerily still. He couldn't resist running his thumb along the back of her hand in his as he said, "The next step in keeping you safe to the best of my abilities is through regaining a clear head to deal with the French vampires."

She finally found her voice. "And hence why you want to schedule the claiming as soon as possible."

He grunted his agreement. "Yes."

She bit her bottom lip, and it took everything he had to keep his gaze on her eyes and not think about sinking his own fangs into her graceful neck.

Clenching the fingers of his free hand, he willed his instinct to calm the fuck down. He could, at least, give her a few moments to digest what he'd said and give her answer.

After all, this probably wasn't the way she'd imagined it to be—him scaring her with the truth of what could happen to her to speed up the claiming process. No romance, or gifts, or sweet words, but rather harsh possibilities and the dark, gritty truth of his current circumstances.

Even so, he bloody well hoped it would be yes, she'd schedule the claiming as soon as possible. Otherwise, he'd have to keep her locked away, to hide away temptation, so he could get anything done. It'd already been nearly a fortnight since her arrival. If he resisted much longer, hewouldstart losing control. And that would never do.

No matter what it took, Leo would never force himself on a female. Not even one that his instinct already clamored belonged to them.

* * *

Yesenia knewthe past hadn't always been rosy and perfect, particularly when it came to females. Sure, TV shows and movies often portrayed it in a positive light, overlooking things like how a husband could beat his wife nearly to death without any consequences because females were considered property. Or, how slaves had been bought and sold merely for profit, the traders and buyers justifying their actions by saying certain skin colors were less human, and so they therefore somehow deserved it.

However, she'd sort of forgotten how awful things could be in reality since Leo and his family, and even Dark Lord Khan, had all been so nice and helpful, treating her with a fair bit of respect.

But now, oh now Leo was telling her about the full-on slaughtering of innocents and some really pissed-off French vampires out for revenge or retribution.

And how she could become a tool in that brewing war.

If she could use her magic and easily move through time to escape danger, she wouldn't be as worried. However, she couldn't even move a damn button a minute into the future and have it arrive in one piece.

Yesenia had always been independent, sort of had to be given her previous belief of having no magic. And yet, she wasn't stupid. She knew she wouldn't stand a chance against furious nineteenth century French vampires in her present state.

Until she could master her magic, this building would have to be her prison, with Leo being her head guard.

And to have the strongest one possible, she'd have to forego her daydreams of a claiming that was more than merely his fangs in her neck and his dick in her cunt. Exhaustion or not, he needed her this evening. She was the only one who could tame his instinct.

She'd started all this with a deal, a negotiation, and had been fine with it. But somehow, as the days had gone by, she'd wanted a little bit more, silly as it was.


Leo's voice brought her out of her head. It was strange to see concern in his gaze since he usually tried to remain aloof or arrogant. The fact this vampire, one whom had become a Dark Lord of London, could be concerned troubled her. Yesenia finally blurted the thought she'd kept back when he'd told her about the past. "If the French vampires got hold of me, I'd die, wouldn't I? Maybe not right away—they'd probably enjoy torturing me first—but I'd lose my freedom for sure, and my life eventually."

Leo growled, "I won't allow that to happen."

She searched his gaze for a clue, but only saw stubborn determination. "But how can you guarantee that, Leo? Even if it's not you personally they're after, the British vampires and shifters slaughtered most of their females. They're pissed off and determined, which makes them unpredictable."

He leaned even closer, his heat and scent invading her senses, and it oddly helped her fear to settle a little. "I won't let them get near you, no matter what it takes. You are my responsibility to protect. I vow—"

She placed a finger over his lips. "Don't vow or promise such a thing, Leo. You can't risk breaking it."

Without thinking, her finger lightly traced his lips and his breathing grew faster. It was strange to think of an old-timey vampire being so sexy, or sweet, or protective. The past had always seemed like fiction to her, one where males mostly ruled and females had to find devious ways to have any power at all.

And yet, Leo had done everything he could to protect his sister, help raise her son, and even try to keep Yesenia safe despite the fact she'd been an unwanted surprise; one who'd literally appeared on his turf out of thin air.

It was far past time she helped him in the only way she could. So Yesenia said softly, "You can claim me this evening, Leo. That way you can finally put all your focus on the shit-ton of problems on your plate."

His pupils dilated and in the next second, he sucked her finger between his lips. But instead of nipping her, he merely suckled and caressed her skin with his tongue.

She'd never thought some male sucking her finger would be erotic, and yet, each swipe or pull made her heart rate speed up and her pussy throb.