
Leo had always done well with plans and lists. It was often how he kept track of everything and ensured nothing was overlooked.

And now that the most pressing items were ticked off—dealing with those who needed to work with the shifters and fae witches—he needed to sort out the mess with Yesenia.

Because more than ever before, he needed a clear head to deal with the newest enemies. And that would only be accomplished by claiming her.

Not right this second, but he'd penciled her into his schedule for the evening. He'd debated merely sending a note, but knew she'd scoff and draw out the process with cheeky messages. So a face-to-face meeting was required.

When John finally arrived and escorted Yesenia inside, he barely heard what the male said as Leo's entire focus lay on Yesenia.

She was as beautiful as always, with her dark brown eyes and dark hair already falling out of whatever style she had it twisted up into. He itched to brush the wisps of hair off her face, caress her cheeks with his hands, and then finally nuzzle her neck so he could hear the sweet beating of her heart.

But then he also noticed the circles under her eyes, the paleness of her light brown skin, the way she leaned heavily against the chair in front of his desk, as if she couldn't stand upright on her own.

His instinct pushed for him to go to her, and for once, Leo didn't fight it.

He took her hand and nodded toward the chair. "Sit."

She smiled weakly. "If I do, I'm not sure I can get up again."

He grunted. "Then I'll take care of you, like you took care of me when I collapsed. I'll even carry you wherever you wish to go."

As they stared at one another, both no doubt remembering Leo's weakened state after lying, he felt something in the region of his newly beating heart. Almost as if the incident had created a bond he hadn't been looking for, let alone wanted. She could've used his weakness against him, but she hadn't. No, her first instinct had been to tend to him.

She was fast becoming someone he could rely on in more ways than one. And Leo still had trouble thinking of anyone outside his close, trusted circle as a true ally.

And to have a female of his own he trusted so implicitly? He didn't dare hope.

Doing his best to push those sorts of thoughts aside, he cleared his throat and ordered, "Sit."

She smiled a second before allowing him to help her into the chair. Once she was there and Leo went to the door to ask for a restorative drink—fae witches had such things for post-magic-use recovery, he'd learned—he moved to sit in the other chair in front of his desk, turned toward her, and asked, "How did your practice session go?"

Yesenia tilted her head a fraction. "I somehow don't think you summoned me here to talk about my studies. You've never done so before, so why start now?"

He hated how tired and skeptical she sounded. Not that it should matter. He couldn't afford to keep her as his bride in truth. His enemies would use it against him. "The whole point of agreeing to let me claim you was because you wanted resources to help your siblings. I need to ensure that happens to the best of my ability. I can't afford the consequences of more lies right now."

Despite her obvious exhaustion, her eyes were keen and intelligent. "Why can't you afford another lie right now?"

The part of him that wanted to maintain distance, to avoid growing closer to her, balked at telling her. And yet, ignorance could end up hurting her, and that was something he wouldn't allow, even without his instinct. So he answered, "I have enemies, Yesenia. And now that my heart has started beating again, I need to be more vigilant about my health since it's easier to die."

She raised her brows. "I'm surprised you aren't throwing that in my face again and raging about how I destroyed your life plans, blah, blah, blah."

His lips twitched at her tone despite his determination to remain serious. "It has happened, and can't be undone, not even by you, so I must accept it."

She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Even if I could manipulate my own timeline, I'm not sure if I'd change me coming here."

"Why not?"

She kept her eyes closed a second before meeting his gaze again, her expression unreadable. "Because I probably never would've discovered my magical powers otherwise."

"Of course." He nodded and pushed aside the tiny bit of him that maybe wanted her for more than a claiming.

Which was ridiculous, of course. They had a bargain, a deal, nothing more. Best to focus on that. "You never answered my question about how your practice attempt went. You were supposed to move your first object today, yes?"

She eyed him a second before leaning her head back against the chair and explained how the button had ended up only about three-quarters intact. She finished with, "And all I have to show for that crappy attempt is exhaustion. Which brings me back to why you wanted to see me. I need a restorative drink, food, and sleep, Leo, and soon. So stop trying to be civil and nice to me so you can butter me up and just tell me what you want."

Considering how nearly all vampires in the UK showed him deference and respect for his position, Yesenia was one of the few who never bothered with it. And while he'd never admit it aloud, he rather liked being treated as a male she didn't mind challenging.