
For two long days, Yesenia had focused solely on her studies. She'd practiced gathering and tapping her magical power source, as well as had been quizzed by Rebecca on what she needed to do to move a button a few seconds into the future.

Or at least she'd tried to concentrate solely on those things. At night, though, Yesenia hadn't been able to stop Leo from invading her dreams. Such as when his fangs teased her neck, making her heart pound, before he pierced her skin, which sent a rush of ecstasy through her body. Or how he slowly stroked, and licked, and nibbled the points of her ears until she thought she'd burst from need.

Maybe if she'd had him in bed, lying next to her, where she could ease her aching pussy, it might've been fine.

But Yesenia had been alone, and not even coming by her own hand had done much to chase away her horniness.

She'd become rather growly for the first time in her life, and Rebecca had noticed.

Thankfully the fae witch hadn't reacted, though, beyond raising her brows a few times.

However, if Leo didn't show his face after her lessons today, she didn't care if he were busy with business or Dark Lord stuff, he could spare her a few minutes to at least talk to her and set up a time for the claiming.

But she'd have to go about it carefully because she'd rather die than allow Leo to think she was ready to jump him, let alone how she didn't trust herself not to beg to feel his bite again.

And to think, as a fae witch, she'd never thought she’d have to deal with this fated-one nonsense and how it could drive a person crazy.

Thankfully Rebecca arrived for their late-morning session and she pushed aside all thoughts of Leo; she'd deal with him later. Right now, Yesenia had much more important things to accomplish. After all, today was the day she would try to shift something into the future for the first time.

A mixture of nervousness and anticipation churned in her stomach. What happened today, and how well or awful she did, would give Rebecca a better idea of how much longer it would take Yesenia to send a warning note to her siblings.

Rationally she knew she could send the note back to right after she'd disappeared, so taking a few more weeks to learn something wouldn't really matter. But thinking like a time-wielder took practice. Plus, with each passing day, her doubts rang louder and louder inside her head. What if she'd waited too long to start learning how to control her abilities? Or what if she couldn't control her emotions when she finally sent the note to Meadow and River, and it ended up thirty years too early?

Or, the worst fear of all, her note ended up a few months too late, and at that point Derek had already found and hurt her siblings.

So much could go wrong. Yes, she was making progress, but for how long?

Stop it.For ten years, she'd never had to worry about magical abilities or how good or lousy she was with them. It seemed the initial grief at being lied to, as well as the slight joy at finally feeling like a real fae witch, had faded, replaced with frustration and doubt.

Rebecca walked in and frowned at her. "Is something wrong?"

She wanted to brush it aside, but Rebecca had been so patient with her that Yesenia couldn't help but blurt the truth. "What if I can never send anything into the future and have it arrive whole on the other side? Then what?"

The older female sat down across from Yesenia, in her usual chair. "I doubt you'll succeed perfectly the first time, but no one does." She studied her a few beats before asking, "Have I ever praised you when you didn't deserve it?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Or scold you merely because I wanted to?" Yesenia shook her head again. "Then listen closely. You've made remarkable progress so far. There's no reason to think you won't master the basics before too much longer. So brush aside the doubts, or…and listen closely, youwillfail, Yesenia." Rebecca tapped her temples. "Mindset is everything when it comes to fae magic."

It was something she heard just about every day. Not for the first time, Yesenia cursed the last ten years and how she'd tried to forget bit by bit how she was ever a fae witch. Pretending to be almost human had somehow been a little less lonely.

Not completely. But regardless, she needed to move past her insecurities, and fast, or her siblings would pay the price. She sighed heavily. "I know." Rebecca raised her brows at her unconvincing tone. She tried for a little more steel. "Okay, okay, I'll try my best. I promise. I'm just nervous."

Rebecca said softly, "And you haven't been sleeping well, have you?"

Her gaze shot to Rebecca's. She wondered if the female could read her thoughts.

However, the much older fae witch merely smiled and smoothed her skirts. "Now, how about we get started? I'd like to see what you can accomplish today. Do you have your button?"

Grateful for the change of topic—she didn't want to discuss her Leo sex dreams with a fae witch old enough to be her grandmother—Yesenia took out the small wooden thing from her pocket in her skirt and laid it on the low table between them.

Rebecca nodded. "Right, then shall we get to it or do you need some more words of encouragement?"

She cleared her throat and sat taller. "No, I'm fine now, I think."

Yesenia reached out a hand so Rebecca could monitor her; everything would be driven solely by her own abilities this first time.