Somehow, he was trying to hide his pain from her.

She resisted the urge to stroke his forehead. "But I forgive you. Will that help?"

He shook his head, staggered backward, and finally sank to his knees, bracing his hands on the floor. "You should leave. This won't be pretty."

Part of her wanted to run. Seeing Leo vulnerable would forever alter how she viewed him. Not because she'd think of him as less of a male. No, because it'd show her that he had his own weaknesses, making him morerealto her.

But then he sagged further and Yesenia pushed all of that aside. She couldn't just abandon the male to suffer. "Let's get you into bed and then I can call whomever you like."

Leo barely nodded, showing how truly weak he was.

Muttering a curse, she helped get him to his feet and took as much of his weight as she could manage. They barely made it the ten feet to the bed before Leo crashed onto it with a groan.

She quickly took off his shoes and maneuvered his feet fully onto the bed. Then she tackled his tie and unbuttoned his vest thing—was it a waistcoat?—and then moved to his shirt.

Except she wasn't able to do anything else since Leo had passed out and there was no way she'd be able to lift his torso to take the shirt completely off. Yanking the thing out from under him didn't seem reasonable, either, as he clearly needed to rest.

Trailing her hand down his firm chest, over the fabric of his shirt, she studied his face. He was paler, and yet all his scowls and glares were gone, making him look somewhat younger than he was.

Did he look this way when he slept normally too? The thought of sleeping next to the all-powerful vampire Dark Lord at his most vulnerable did something to her heart.

Yesenia brushed his hair back from his forehead with her other hand and murmured, "I'll get you some help, Leo. And when you wake up, we'll have tons to talk about. It's more than past time for you to stop avoiding me."

With one last caress, she left his side and went into the hall. She soon found a maid and asked her to find Nora or Ambrose.

The female promised to fetch help and Yesenia went back into Leo's room. Taking his hand, she hated how much she cared about his pain. Part of it was because she was, generally, an empathetic person. However, she also knew it went deeper than that.

When a male made you come and tasted your blood more than once, a connection existed, whether you wanted it or not.

Soon Nora and Ambrose rushed into the room. And as soon as she quickly explained what happened, they went about helping Leo undress. They tried to get her to leave, but despite her better judgment, she stayed.

Yesenia had never realized before how truly debilitating it could be for a vampire to lie. If she'd known, maybe she would've tried to stop him before he'd made her orgasm.

Liar.She wouldn't have been able to do it, as horny and lost as she'd been at the time. No male had ever been as firm, or demanding, or even unafraid of her pointed ears before.

So the best she could do was help take care of Leo, given her part in bringing about his unconsciousness, until he was well again. That way she could ease her conscience. It would be nothing more. Truly.

It was a good thing fae witches could lie. Otherwise Yesenia would be passed out and in a coma for the next three months from her latest string of whoppers.