Then his lips were gone and she cried out. Leo growled, "I'm not nearly done yet, witch," and he took her lips again.

This time his kiss was possessive, and rough, and she could only lean into it, loving every lick and nibble.

But she was so lost in the kiss she didn't pay attention to his now much longer fangs and she accidentally scraped her tongue against one of them. A heady rush of ecstasy crashed through her, instantly making her come and her pussy spasm.

It went on and on, to the point she almost hurt.

But Leo didn't stop at her moans. No, he suckled her tongue, drinking her blood, and for some reason, she knew it was right and yet wrong at the same time.

Trying to remember why, Leo broke the kiss and nibbled her earlobe. "Fuck, Yesenia. I'm never going to get enough of you, am I?"

Even though she'd just had an orgasm, her cunt ached for more than a kiss, much more.

Maybe he'd even take her against the wall and claim her right now. Her neck actually wanted to feel his fangs and the guaranteed pleasure that'd follow.

She nearly frowned at that thought. She didn't want a quick fuck in a stairwell. Especially when she didn't fully know how she'd react to a vampire biting her neck.

Oh, who was she kidding? She'd fucking melt into a puddle when he finally did it.

However, before she could try to push away the images of her actually begging for him to bite her, Leo's low voice filled the space. "You're the most delicious thing I've ever kissed or tasted, witch." His hand came up to stroke her neck, his thumb running over her racing pulse. "When can I claim you, Yesenia? Tell me soon."

It was hard to concentrate being surrounded by his heat, his scent, and with his skin touching hers, but somehow she made her brain and mouth work. "Why? Has the madness started creeping in?"

His hand trailed up her neck, to her jaw, and he eventually stroked the point of her ear. Yesenia moaned and leaned into his touch. She barely heard his reply, wondering if he'd keep stroking her ears until she came again.

"There will always be a madness when it comes to you, I fear." He stilled his fingers on her ear and she whimpered.

Holy hell, he was turning her into a simpering, lust-filled idiot.

But then he lightly pinched the point of her ear and she danced on the edge of an orgasm. He did it again and she cried out as ecstasy raced through her body, her pussy clenching and releasing, aching to be filled.

Leo cut off her cry with a kiss. He pulled her even more flush against him and devoured her mouth once more, as if he would never get enough of her, as if she were the air he needed to keep his newly beating heart going.

And she kissed him back, digging her nails into his scalp, doing her best to rub against his cock, desperate in a way she'd never felt before.

As she came down from yet another pleasure high in the span of minutes, he slowed his kisses and Yesenia sagged against him. His hard cock a reminder that he hadn't come, and if she touched him right then and there, he'd most likely be powerless to stop her until he did.

For a fae witch who'd been told she was powerless her entire adult life, it was a heady prospect.

However, before she could move, the door at the bottom of the stairwell opened and Leo cursed. He took her hand and quickly guided her up one more flight of stairs and through a door. She didn't know exactly where they were in the building, but it looked a lot like the hallway where her rooms were.

Leo ushered her down an unknown corridor and into a strange room. He quickly trapped her against the closed door and she heard the lock turn.

His brown-eyed gaze bore into hers, and she couldn't help but notice his fangs were still elongated. Was he truly going to demand his claiming now? The brief break in their kissing and fondling had returned some clarity to her mind and she wasn't sure it'd be a good idea just yet.

After all, as long as he hadn't claimed her, he couldn't avoid her completely.

No.She couldn't think of possibly wanting to be his bride in more than title only. She had so much to learn, so much to do, before she could save her siblings and look toward her own future.

She was about to ask if she could return to her rooms when she noticed sweat trailing down Leo's forehead, as well as his clenched jaw. "What's wrong?"

"Fuck," he muttered. "I broke my bloody vow and I'm about to pay for it."

Their earlier conversation came back. "By making me orgasm in public."

Twice, in fact.

It was then she noticed the tenseness of his muscles and how his hands were clenched fists.