From the corner of his eye, he noticed Nora and Ambrose both smiling. But he ignored them to focus on Yesenia. It was as if she was out to discombobulate him, and for some reason, he wanted to return the favor. "Would you prefer I use words like cunny or cock at the supper table?"

Nora gasped, but he ignored his sister. Yesenia merely shrugged. "It doesn't bother me. Trust me, I lived in South Boston for a few years, and you'd have to say much, much worse to make me blink twice."

He raised an eyebrow. "It sounds as if you just issued a challenge."

Yesenia smiled, and for a second, Leo thought he might be able to live off the anticipation in her eyes. "Maybe I have."

Nora jumped in before he could reply. "I don't know how openly people speak in the future, but surely we can talk about something else. Such conversation in front ofmy sonis uncomfortable."

Leo glanced to his fully grown nephew and Ambrose shrugged, signaling he didn't care. However, he could all but see smoke coming from Nora's ears, and as glad as he was for her to show more emotion in recent days than his sister had in years, he didn't want to anger her too much. Who knew what she and Yesenia would come up with if they united against him.

Sitting back, Leo straightened his tie. "As long as it's not about the bloody weather or details about gowns, talk about whatever you wish."

As soon as he said it, he regretted it because Yesenia's gaze turned determined. "Well, if that's the case, then maybe you can tell me when we'll get your claiming over with?"

Since Leo had sipped his wine, he choked a few seconds. When he could speak, he said, "Pardon?"

Nora murmured, "So much for a pleasant meal."

Yesenia leaned forward a bit, revealing even more of her breasts. What he wouldn't give to run his tongue between them before tugging them loose and sucking her hard nipples until she squirmed.

She cleared her throat and he met her gaze again. She nodded. "Yes, my eyes are, in fact, here. Just in case you forgot."

He growled, "I know where they are."

"Good. Although if you want to get some ogling out of the way, we can do an even exchange." She gestured at him. "You can stand and lift your coat, show off your ass, and then you can stare at my boobs all you like. Nora suggested getting comfortable with one another, so I say go for it."

He glared at his sister, but Nora had her eyes closed and was massaging her forehead. Leo looked back at Yesenia. "I highly doubt my sister suggested I should display my rear like a piece of horseflesh."

She shrugged, which made it difficult for him to keep his eyes on her face. Bloody hell, her tits would be his downfall if he wasn't careful.

Yesenia replied, "Well, maybe Nora didn't phrase it exactly like that. But at least it got your attention. You want another subject, then fine, I have one: Why have you been avoiding me?"

Ambrose grinned and lightly applauded. Leo ignored his nephew and leaned forward until he could brace his elbows on the table. "You certainly don't mince words, do you, witch? Fine, if you want honesty, I'll give it to you. However, it's a conversation best had in private."

Fuck.Had he really just suggested he be alone with the object of his erotic dreams?

Nora stood, her chair screeching as it moved behind her. He and Ambrose just managed to get to their own feet as manners dictated before she growled, "Now listen closely, the pair of you. Whilst I think a private meeting is good, we're going to finish our supper first. And I don't want any more mention of…"

She waved her hand as if trying to find a way to say the words. Then she settled for signing them with her hands: arse, penis, breast, or any other inappropriate words for supper conversation.

He snorted and could see that Yesenia hadn't followed what Nora had signed. "May I tell her, Nora, or will that break your decree?"

Nora sighed and Yesenia jumped in. "Don't worry, I think I get the gist of it. I promise not to talk about body parts or sexual acts. But let's hurry up and eat. After all the energy I expended during my lessons, I'm starving."

As everyone sat and the first course was brought in, Leo wondered if the fae witch was just as eager to be alone with him as he was with her.

Because no matter what he tried to tell himself, he wanted exactly that. Then maybe he could drink from her again, breathe in her scent, and discuss the finer details of what she would allow when he claimed her.

Realizing he was going down that distracting, dangerous road of thought again, he instead ate a spoonful of soup as Nora and Ambrose sipped blood from their cups. He eyed Yesenia, to see if Nora and Ambrose's supper items would disgust her. But she merely slurped her soup.

The sound made him want to tease her about manners. But that could be seen as flirting, and he needed to avoid that with her. Because, damn it, he was starting tolikeher and he couldn't have that.

So Leo asked, "How goes your studies with the fae witches?"

After two more spoons of soup—which meant him desperately trying to avoid watching her lips slide over the cool metal and not imagine it was his cock going into her mouth—Yesenia finally replied, "I'm so, so close to being able to start moving objects a few minutes into the future."

He nodded. "Which means you'll soon be able to send a warning to your siblings."