
Leo didn’t mean to eavesdrop. But once he heard that Yesenia was a time-wielder—one from the future, confirming what his sister had told him—he couldn’t move from his hidden spot by the door.

But at the mention of threats to her siblings, a burning desire to help her, to banish any sort of danger to those she held dear, coursed through him.

No doubt it was a result of his instinct to protect his bride. However, Leo also knew what it was like to be powerless in aiding a sister when she needed it the most. He'd been there himself, more than sixty years ago, before Nora had entered her frozen state and he hadn't been able to stop their father from selling her as a broodmare to the highest bidder.

Even if he'd done everything in his power to make his sister safe now, the sense of helplessness wasn't something that ever went away. Guilt still weighed heavy on him, after all this time. He didn't wish for anyone to suffer the same, but especially not a female who, regardless of what he wanted, was his fated bride. He may have no desire to form an attachment, but he didn't want her to be hurt either.

As soon as the fae witch visitor left, Leo moved from his hiding spot in the shadows and peeked into the room in time to see Yesenia crumble to the floor and Nora offering comfort.

The sight of his steely, confident female looking so lost and vulnerable did something to his heart he refused to think about.

When Nora offered to hear the tale, Leo decided enough. Until he claimed her, Yesenia was his responsibility. If there was anything he could do to bring back the fiery fae witch who didn't blink at standing up to him, he would do it.

Because of self-interest, of course. He didn't force himself on females and no doubt she wouldn't want to fuck him if she was worried about her family.

Yes, that was the reason.

After he convinced Nora to leave, he stared down at Yesenia—doing his best to ignore the anger and sadness in her eyes. "Tell me about this threat to your family."

She searched his gaze, but finally took the hand he offered and stood up. "Just how much did you hear?"

She let go of his hand and Leo wished to take it back. "Nearly all of it—you're a time-wielder, from the future, and that your siblings are in danger."

For a second, he thought she wouldn't answer. But then Yesenia blew out a breath. "My father got himself into some trouble, and a dangerous vampire named Derek Yates bought his debts. My marrying him was the only way to pay them off and guarantee my brother and sister's safety. We had a contract that would protect my siblings if the terms were met, but I'm not entirely sure if I fulfilled it or not before I ended up here."

Even if Yesenia's father's methods were vastly different from what Leo's father had done with Nora, it still showed how little character or honor the male possessed. Only a coward, narcissist, or both would use his daughter to right his own stupidity and mistakes.

He burned to ask her more about her time in the future, or her father, but Leo focused on the most important aspect. "What will this vampire do to your brother and sister? Or, rather, with them?"

Yesenia shrugged. "Both of my siblings have valuable types of magic. Meadow can control lust and desire. River has the ability to manipulate the body and its functions, although he focuses on using it to heal others."

"But a less savory bastard would use it for torture, or worse."

She nodded. "A few years ago, I managed to get both of my siblings to safety and hidden away with new identities. Since my father lacked funds, he couldn't afford a tracker to find them."

"But this Derek male could, if he could afford to buy your father's debts. Blunt wouldn't be his problem."

"Yes." She moved and sank down onto the settee. "And now I learn about how I can possibly save them with my magic by bringing the pair to the past, and yet I can't because I don't know a damn thing about how to use it." She fisted the folds of her skirt and growled, "I thought I was used to life being unfair by now, but this takes the cake."

Leo sat down beside her, glad to see a little of her fire had returned. "Did this Derek bastard know about your magical powers and maybe just didn't tell you?"

Her eyes widened. "I-I don't know."

"If he has money as you said, then he could pay a seer and a tracker to determine it. If so, then he could've planned this from the beginning, seeking out your father's debts and using your weaknesses against you to force you to marry him. Then you'd be under his control, and he could use your magic to further his own goals."

She frowned. "It sounds like something he'd do. Derek Yates is a big-time vampire mob boss. Oh, um, you probably don't know that word in this context. Well, the mob is a huge criminal empire of sorts, and Derek's group spans the entire East Coast of the USA."

Hmm. So he was a king of the underworld, then. And being a vampire meant he'd have to honor the contract, if signed in blood. "You said you had a contract with him? A magical one?" She nodded. "Do you remember the wording of any of it?"

She shrugged. "Most of it, as I read it a million times, trying to find a loophole I could use."

He nodded. "I'm sure you tried. And this isn't an insult, I promise, but sometimes it takes a vampire to discover a loophole from another vampire. After all, we've learned from when we could first talk to be extremely precise with our language."

Her brows came together. "You're assuming I can return to my time and will have to deal with him again."

His instinct roared no, she shouldn't go. But the female soon wouldn't be his problem, so Leo ignored it. "Our acquaintance hasn't been long, but you're one very determined chit. So if anyone could learn how to use their magic quickly, I think it would be you."