If a decade of hell wasn't enough, the present was even worse. Because if she couldn't learn how to control her powers fast enough, Derek Yates could find Meadow and River, use their abilities for his own gain, and maybe even force Meadow to bear him children since Yesenia had disappeared.

Nora touched her arm and Yesenia jumped and swung out an arm. Vampires were nimble, though, and Nora avoided being hit by Yesenia's defensive punch.

Yet another thing she'd resorted to learning—self-defense—in lieu of any type of magic to protect herself.

The female vampire searched her gaze, her eyes unreadable. "Are you all right?"

Without even thinking, she mumbled, "No," and her energy faded as she crumpled to the ground.

Even if she didn't cry, Yesenia couldn't stop shaking from the fury and disappointment she had at everyone who'd let her down. Not only that, she had this potentially powerful magic, one better than she could've ever hoped for, and she still couldn't use it to save her sister and brother.

Nora sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. Something about the gentle female made her anger fade a fraction and she leaned into Nora's embrace. How long had it been since she'd had something as simple as comfort from another person?

Nora asked softly, "Do you want to tell me about the danger to your siblings?"

Yesenia wiped away an errant tear from her face. "It's complicated."

Nora leaned back and smiled slightly at her. "I can be a good listener on occasion. Not quite as good as Ambrose, but I try. "

As Yesenia debated spilling the whole tale to someone for the first time, a familiar gruff voice came from the doorway. "Leave us, Nora."

Yesenia closed her eyes. She simply didn't have the strength to deal with Leo right this second.

Nora hugged Yesenia a little tighter. "No. Unless you're going to be nice to her, I'm staying right here."

His voice softened a fraction. "I'm not going to shout at her."

Those words made Yesenia open her eyes and she looked across the room at the male vampire. His jaw was clenched, and he had the same tall, powerful form as usual, but something about his eyes was almost gentle.

And she didn't know how to take that.

He took a step inside. "She's my bride, Nora, and my responsibility. I will talk with her and sort out any threats to her, at least to the best of my ability."

She was a bit dubious of his words, but Nora must've believed him because she gave Yesenia one last squeeze and stood up. "She hasn't eaten yet, so I'll organize a tray. I'll be back in half an hour."

Nora left and in the next moment, Leo stood next to her and offered a hand. With a sigh, she took it and he pulled her to her feet, steadying her as she found her balance.

As she met his eyes, determination flashed in them. Leo stated, "Tell me about this threat to your family."