Because if Yesenia had brought herself to this time, she had the ability to go back home. Time-wielders and their bloodlines were the only ones who could go back and forth through history. There were probably restrictions, but all that mattered was that her trip didn't need to be one-way.

In other words, she could still save her sister and brother from the machinations of their father and Derek Yates. Even if it meant retreating with River and Meadow in tow to the past, it was an option she'd never had before.

Helena's voice finally broke through her thoughts. "My guess is that you didn't come to this time by choice, or even knew how to bring yourself here."

She shook her head and met Helena's gaze again. "No, I'm from more than a hundred years in the future and never took much interest in the nineteenth century before." She leaned forward. "However, I should be able to go home, right?"

Concern filled Helena's gaze and it killed the small sprouting of hope in Yesenia's chest. "Eventually, yes. But you must not attempt to do so before you can control your powers, Yesenia. You could end up anywhen, and possibly nowhere at all. Time travel is a delicate business."

If only information about time-wielders in her time hadn't been so vague, mainly coming from stories and legends, she could better judge if Helena were telling the truth. "I need to go home to the twenty-first century so I can save my brother and sister from a dangerous male before it's too late. So tell me what I need to do so I can achieve my goal."

Helena reached out and took her hand. "You must start training immediately. Even if no fae witch has been newly discovered with the power to wield time in more than fifty years, there's still some knowledge and documents that could help, as well as a handful of elderly former assistants you should talk with."

Training of any kind took hours, days, even years, maybe more time than she possessed since Yesenia had no idea how time worked in the future versus now. If she could only return the same amount of time forward as she spent here—such as six weeks here and then six weeks in the future back in 2022—it might be too late for her siblings. "But my brother and sister—"

Helena squeezed her hand again. "If they are truly in danger, then you must focus on learning how to bring them here. From what I know, it's far easier to move others through time than to go back and forth yourself. Even better, it might be wise for you to bring a fated one to their match here first since those are the easiest sorts of people to move through time. It'd be great practice. Like any fae witch's magic, it takes time to build the endurance and strength needed to fully tap it."

Yesenia rubbed her forehead, trying to take all this new information in. "I can't sit here and learn to be a matchmaker when those I love are in danger. Especially if time moves the same for them as me here."

Not to mention she had a deal with Leo she hadn't yet fulfilled. The vampire would never let her leave with the fae witches until he'd fucked and claimed her with his bite.

Helena released her hand. "I'm afraid it's the only way, my dear. Dark Lord Khan controls access to the resources you'll need in order to learn how to control your magic. Which means you'll only be allowed certain texts, depending on your skill level. So I'd recommend embracing the tasks I've told you about, not to mention what the former time-wielder assistants will also suggest."

Which meant if she didn't follow the restrictions and tried to rebel, she'd end up with no training at all. Then she'd be stuck in 1890, and River and Meadow's dark fate would be her fault.

She opened her mouth to demand she start training immediately, but Helena beat her to it. "On top of the strain of regular practice, powers and magic are easier to learn how to control when you're younger. And as you're roughly a decade behind schedule, it's not going to be easy."

Yesenia replied through clenched teeth, "I know that." Of course she knew. It was why fae witches were assessed regularly from ages seventeen through nineteen, to catch magical abilities as soon as they manifested. "It wasn't my fault they missed this during my assessment. Speaking of which, how could they? Time-wielders are supposed to be one of the most powerful types of witches."

Helena raised a dark red eyebrow. "Did they use a panel of fae witches or a tracker?"

"A panel."

The other female shrugged. "And that is your answer. Trackers are expensive and not normally used to identify magical powers at maturity. You have Dark Lord Khan to thank for me being here now." She stood. "I will give you a day to think about all I've said. I'll return tomorrow, and if you agree to follow the curriculum I and the former assistants make for you, then Dark Lord Khan will provide teachers and mentors to begin your training."

Nora finally spoke up. "My brother won't let her leave him. She's his bride and he's protective of her."

Helena nodded. "I know that. I wanted to take her away from here immediately, but Dark Lord Khan doesn't want to upset the truce. The compromise is that Dark Lord Yates guarantees the safety of any fae witch who comes to help train Yesenia. Will he agree to that?"

Nora bit her lip a second. "I don't know."

"Ask him. And make sure to tell him that Dark Lord Khan will back anything I request when it comes to Yesenia, to save us time in the future." Helena turned once more to Yesenia. "I'll be back tomorrow at the same time. I'd suggest writing down your questions or borrowing a typewriter, if you can type, so we can start straight away. Good day."

And before Yesenia could do more than stand up, Helena was gone.

Yesenia stared across the room at the empty doorway. She had more questions than ever, and no one to answer them.

And with nothing else to focus on, the emotions she'd temporarily contained burst forth, mixing with even more memories she didn't want to relive but couldn't stop.

Her so-called friends, one by one, telling her that they couldn't be seen with her. After all, her lack of magic made her an outcast, and they couldn't risk their own futures with such a tainted association.

No paranormal male wanting anything to do with her for fear she'd want more than a quick fuck, unwilling to risk having children born without magic.

Her father sneering and ignoring her whenever possible, saying he'd wasted money raising a defective leech, and taking out his anger on her siblings.

And a decade of having no one to talk with, laugh with, or even cry with. So many, many years, and days, and hours of loneliness.

All because of incompetence and a lie.