Yesenia was usedto late nights and waking up with little sleep thanks to working both special event catering jobs and waitressing in diners in the past. But a night with almost no sleep was quite another matter.

Despite Nora's advice on negotiation with vampires and later going to the female section and chatting with a few of them, all Yesenia had been able to think about once her head hit the pillow was Leo nipping her finger and slowly sucking her blood.

She'd always pictured it being gross and weird for a vampire to do that. Fae witches most definitely didn't drink blood or have to bite each other to appease some inner instinct. Sex was just like it was for humans, apart from a few magical powers a fae witch had to be careful of if they possessed them, and cock in pussy, ass, or mouth, or tongue and fingers in cunt, sufficed. Maybe also a few inventive positions with more than one partner, of course. But that was mostly it.

And yet after watching the pure lust on Leo's face as he suckled her finger and how it made her hotter, and even her orgasm more intense, all she could think about was him biting her again and seeing if she'd come just as hard. If that were even possible without dying. Because, damn, it'd been better than coming with any sex toy, that was for sure.

She definitely understood now how a vampire's bite could become addictive.

Those were the sort of thoughts she'd had right before finally falling asleep. Yesenia was just about to find out what Leo's bite on her neck would be like in her dreams when someone shook her shoulder and Yesenia jumped upright. She blinked and noticed Nora standing next to her bed. "What?"

Nora looked apologetic. "Sorry to wake you, but you have a fae witch visitor waiting to talk with you. Since Dark Lord Khan sent her, she has to be important."

She glanced at the clock and saw it was already past two in the afternoon. Damn it, she'd slept through her window of being able to roam and explore the halls of the Fated Wheel since the place would open soon.

Nora added, "She said she's here to do what you asked Leo for, although John wouldn't share more than that. A bit cryptic, considering I know almost everything that goes on inside these walls."

She stared at Yesenia, as if waiting for her to fill in the gaps. But she held her tongue; Dark Lord Kahn hadn't specified what she could or couldn't say, and there was no way she'd piss him off this early.

The vampire finally sighed. "I'm going to have to interrogate Leo later. I can't help anyone if I'm left in the dark."

Yesenia's gaze darted to Nora, and she felt a twinge of guilt. The female had been nothing but nice to her.

And yet, when it came down to it, Yesenia had to think of her siblings and how to help them above anything else.

As she tossed back the covers and strode to her wardrobe, she asked, "Did the fae witch mention if she's an assessor?"

The vampire shook her head. "She's not being overly forthcoming with anyone here, and said she wouldn't talk with any vampire either."

As Yesenia took off her nightgown—or, as they called it in this century, a night rail—and put on her long, old-fashioned slip called a shift, she wondered if the fae witch female still hated the vampires of London as a whole. After all, Yesenia had learned the night before why there hadn't been any fae witches in the female section of the casino, only vampires, shifters, and a handful of humans. Not that long ago, the vampires and fae witches had suffered a bloody, costly war, and their females had been some of the main targets. They remained wary of stepping inside the vampire's London territory.

Not wanting to think of just how bloody the past could be—she'd accepted that truth last night too, even if she didn't yet knowhowshe'd ended up in 1890—she quickly had Nora help her with the corset—ugh, she hated the thing—and finished with a more sensible skirt, blouse, and various underthings she'd borrowed.

As soon as she finished, she followed Nora down the hall and into a small living room-type area with a couch, some armchairs, and a fancy coffee table between them. A tall, slender female with red hair braided around her head, plainly showing off her pointed ears, stood and smiled at Yesenia. "So Yates was telling the truth about having a fae witch here." She put out her hand to shake. "My name is Helena Watts, and I'm one of the UK Fae Witch Council members."

Yesenia shook the female's hand, trying to remember what she knew of British fae witches and their organizations. Sadly, she hadn't paid much attention during world studies as a teen, so it wasn't much. "I'm Yesenia Vale."

Helena squeezed her hand and held it a few beats, her eyes turning far away for about thirty seconds. Just as Yesenia tried to think of how to politely get her hand back, Helena released it and gestured for everyone to sit. "The vampire can stay for now, although if you ever want her to leave, just say so and she will."

Helena stared at Nora and the vampire stood taller. "We shall see about that, Miss Watts."

The fae witch ignored Nora and looked back at Yesenia as they all sat down. "I understand you requested an assessor, as well as access to our libraries. However, before anyone can grant you those things, I need to know how an American fae witch ended up in London." Helena tilted her head. "It's been illegal for quite some time for the American fae witches to travel outside their own country."

It was on the tip of her tongue to say it'd been legal since 1911, when the fae witches had been recruited to help with World War I, long before even the American humans had become involved. However, that fact wouldn't mean a damn thing to someone from this time period since 1911 was more than twenty years into their future.

Helena spoke again. "You can tell me anything, Yesenia. I promise, nothing you say will surprise me."

As she stared into the female's blue eyes, a sense of belief settled over her, almost as if it was foolish not to.

Then the truth hit her. "You have the power of persuasion."

Helena shrugged. "A very mild one, since it's my secondary power."

She tamped down her jealousy at someone having two abilities when Yesenia didn't even have one. "And so what's your first?"

Helena laid her hands in her lap and didn't so much as blink at her demanding tone as she stated, "I can determine any fae witch's power with a touch and later trace them."

Damn.In other words, Helena was a tracker, meaning she was far more reliable at identifying magical powers than an assessor.