Yesenia finally arrived at the front of the room, stopping a few feet short of the arch decorated with red roses, and shook off her father's grip. Her sire didn't even try to put on a show by kissing her cheek. Everyone present knew the reality of what was going on, and it wasn't some sort of love story.

No, she wasn't a person but chattel to be bartered and sold, when it came down to it. Which wasn't something she'd thought still happened in the twenty-first century, but then she didn't know the vampires as well as she should.

As the officiate began a speech she didn't hear, Yesenia's heart thumped and her palms sweated. She'd been much braver when it came to signing the contract. But now? With the tall, imposing form of Derek standing next to her, his expression calculating, she wanted to bolt.

Deep breaths, Yesenia. That's all you can do now. Think of Meadow and River. You're the only family they have left, the only one who cares. And this is the only way to keep them safe.

Doing her best to ignore the vampire standing next to her, she stood taller and tried to quell the panic clawing at her, making it hard to breathe. Even so, a part of her mind whirred, wishing there was a way to both avoid this marriageandprotect her siblings. But the one thing fae witches usually had to barter—their magical powers—hadn't manifested for Yesenia at eighteen like everyone else, and according to the local assessors who determined a fae witch's magic, they never would.

She was no stronger or more special than an average human. The ruthless kingpin had her up against a wall, and nothing would change her fate now.

Derek finally did more than stand still and gave her a once-over, his eyes lingering first on her neck and then on her breasts, and she barely resisted a revolted shiver. His attractive exterior hid a monster inside, for so many reasons. Least of which was he'd found his fated bride, who'd made his heart beat again, and he'd locked her away so he could marry Yesenia. The fated bride was apparently a shifter, and Derek wanted offspring with magic, which only a fae witch could give.

A brief flash of panic rushed through her at the thought of offspring. Any children she had would be subject to the male next to her, and she'd rather die than let him hurt them, indoctrinate them, or turn them into selfish, power-hungry versions of their father. Derek Yates didn't care for morals, laws, or anything but what increased his power and hold over other vampires.

She might not be able to avoid marrying him, but Yesenia would think of something to keep from conceiving or carrying to term. She just had to.

The officiate carried on as Yesenia did her best to look forward and ignore the instinct to run. The more the male spoke, the more reality truly set in, crushing her. Once the ceremony finished, she'd have to let Yates touch her. And much worse, she'd never get the chance to see her brother and sister again. Because if they contacted her, their protection ended, and Yates would snatch them up.

At least this way Meadow and River can have a chance at happiness.

Determined not to cry and show weakness in front of the vampire, she took strength from the slight weight of the locket around her neck and kept her chin high. This was the sole way she could protect the only two people she loved in the world.

But when it came time in the ceremony for Derek to raise his family's ring toward her finger, she hoped and wished there was a way to get out of this. To finally do all the things she'd put off, to be something more than the fae witch waitress with no powers.

To be able to laugh and hug her siblings again.

Maybe to even find love and happiness.

But as the cool metal band of Derek's ring slid around her finger, no amount of wishing helped. The slight weight only reminded her of the heavier future to come.

Of how she'd be a prisoner at a ruthless male's whim. How, if she couldn't stop it, she might have to watch her children be molded into the next generation of his cruel, power-hungry horde.

Damn it.And to think she thought her lack of powers had been the worst part of her life up until now.

She resisted closing her eyes to wish for better. This would be her lot in life, it seemed, and there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing.

Yesenia was vaguely aware of Derek speaking his part as the world around her began to spin.

No.She wouldn't faint. She couldn't show weakness, or Derek would pounce upon it.

But her vision darkened and with one last feeling of being pulled away, the blackness crashed over her and Yesenia fell unconscious.