Shirt. Pants. Heidi sent both sailing toward the armchair by the window.
Judging by the sound and quality of the ensuing thud, Carine assumed they had landed where Heidi intended.
“Maybe I’d scramble his brain so good that he’d think that just having the tip of his tongue in you would be the ultimate payoff,” Heidi murmured. “Maybe he’d sit there with his cum all over his lap while I pushed him closer and closer until he’s smothered against you. He’d be so hungry and wondering why he hadn’t noticed before. He’d try to eat you alive, I’m sure. He’d be heartbroken because I wouldn’t let him finish. He would grow to understand that he probably didn’t even deserve to have started.”
“And you’d enjoy that?”
“The part I would enjoy most would be telling him to leave because I had things to do. And I’d say it with my fingers in you so he’d understand.”
Carine certainly understood. She could practically feel those fingers curling in her, as sure as she could feel her thighs coming together in a desperate press right then.
She’d been watching Heidi’s face with sincere constancy to show she was keen, open, and engaged. That hyperfocus made her miss what Heidi had been doing during her speech.
Heidi’s panties were wadded in her hand. She tossed them toward the established pile.
Knowing what that meant, Carine couldn’t keep her gaze chaste.
Heidi’s hair there had deeper coloring than the rest. It was trimmed, but not to a Carinesque extreme. The room was too dark for her to glimpse anything beyond that, but like the imagined man in Heidi’s story, Carine considered submitting to suffocation a reasonable risk if she could get beneath her to see.
Or touch. Or taste.
If Heidi offered, Carine wouldn’t hesitate. She wanted everything Heidi had to offer, and hoped desperately that that was what Heidi was doing—offering.
She didn’t know if Heidi removing her bra constituted an offer. Carine knew herself well enough to sit on her hands. She would have been reaching for Heidi otherwise, and she didn’t want to risk Heidi forgetting to tell Carine the rest of the yarn she was spinning. The obscene, ridiculous fantasy with its rejected spectator had Carine’s musk rising, and she didn’t bother feeling self-conscious about it. Heidi had to know by then what she did to Carine.
“Maybe I’d unshackle you then.” Unabashedly nude, Heidi pressed her palms against Carine’s knees and severed her thighs from one another again. “I’d tell him to come so I can give him one more chance to be less of a disappointment. And, of course, he’d already know what a disappointment he is. He gets off on being average. Out in the world, he’s a spiteful bully, but in private, he gets off on needing someone to give him permission. I’d put a condom on him to make him think he’s getting something. I’d let him have…an inch of you. How about that?”
Heidi had an inch of her. Four fingers forming the tip of a spear and making Carine pant and her lungs lift.
She wouldn’t dare clench, but her body wanted to around Heidi’s invasion of fingers. Carine wanted to steal a sensation that hadn’t been offered, but she wasn’t going to be like that man. She wouldn’t be cast away due to a failure to understand her place.
“That’s all, I think,” Heidi said in her husky way, looking professorially down toward her working hand.
Carine wondered how much she could really see in the dimness. Heidi probably only needed a little light for guidance, anyway. Once she found the wet place, there were only so many ways to go.
“No more than this,” Heidi continued. “He’d be tied too tight to thrust. Begging would be all he could do, and he really should know better than to beg, shouldn’t he?”
Being Heidi, she chose to punctuate that collection of words with not only a question mark but a twist of the spear.
Carine was smiling only because that was the only thing she could do to pinch her airway tightly enough to squelch her needy chirps.
It was no use trying not to clench around Heidi’s fingers anymore. Some intrepid nerve down there had led the charge, and all the rest nearby fell in line.
When the immediate urge to mount and rut receded, Carine unclenched her teeth and muttered, “Maybe I’d have a hard time knowing better, too.”
“Because you love a big cock, hmm?”
Carine rolled her eyes. She didn’t know if Heidi could see, but Heidi must have inferred the sentiment regardless. Her seizure of Carine’s chin with her free hand was meant to instruct.
The withdrawal of her other hand from Carine’s pussy was meant to punish.
“Is that what you want, sweetheart?” Heidi asked. “I never said you couldn’t have it. You can have whatever you want.”
“I want you to be with me exclusively.”
Heidi’s laugh would have warmed the last front of the spring, and Carine didn’t know if that was a good sign for her. Often, Heidi’s amusement didn’t tidily translate into goodwill.
“I don’t want you playing with other people,” Carine persisted.