“Ha. I’m surprised you didn’t turn off all the lights and go to bed so you wouldn’t have to let me in.”
“Watch that mouth of yours, Carine.” Sighing, Heidi pushed her against the door and pressed her palm against Carine’s neck. She edged Carine’s chin upward with the edge of her other hand’s index finger until Carine had to stare down the slopes of her cheeks to see her. “I was going to wait until you got here to turn off the lights and go to bed. If you’d like, I can change my mind for you.”
Carine’s heart raced, and her breathing sped as her tongue did a lap around her dry lips.
Heidi had loosened the top buttons of her loud blouse, and Carine had made the rookie error of staring down into the gap.
She would have exercised her good manners and peeled her gaze away, but she couldn’t think of a good reason why she should have to. Heidi hadn’t told her she couldn’t look, and one thing Carine knew Heidi to be was proactive.
It dawned on Carine as she stood stiff against a hard, grooved door that she’d never really allowed herself to look before. She’d always had a general awareness of the various ways women’s bodies were put together, but she hadn’t considered before that those sights were as much for her as they were for anyone else. She hadn’t let herself be appreciative.
She hadn’t let herself lose minutes or hours to imagining the shapes and trying to recreate their order and magnitude in her mind.
She hadn’t understood that she could harvest those pictures for her own arousal and let their beauty make her body soft and enticing, too.
She could hardly catch her breath, so when Heidi pressed her mouth over Carine’s, all she could do was try to pull in air through her nose because she didn’t want Heidi to stop. She didn’t want Heidi to stop arranging her. She unfastened Carine’s skirt and notched a few wild tendrils of Carine’s hair behind her ears, all without breaking the kiss.
With her hands free, Carine didn’t know what to do with them except to awkwardly hold them out at her sides as Heidi unfastened her, literally and figuratively. She was chasing Heidi’s tongue without trying to, anticipating the other woman’s breaking of the lock so that Carine could maintain it.
I’ve done all this work. Don’t you dare take your kiss from me.
Heidi always thought ahead, though.
It shouldn’t have surprised Carine that Heidi’s palm would return to her neck and her silky laugh would replace the sound of frantic breaths, but it did. Turning Carine’s face to the side, Heidi grasped the delicate lobe of Carine’s ear and slid her tongue along the shell. The fly of her pants ground against Carine’s hip. “Are you gonna fight back a little, or do you only do that when you have too much to say?”
“Which part should I be resisting?” Carine asked airily. Swallowing hard, she widened her stance and rolled her head back against the door.
Heidi was sliding kisses down her neck and chest. When her mouth was very close to the lace edge of Carine’s bra, Carine thrust her chest forward instinctually. “You…want me to tell you not to suck on my titties? You want me to do the offended damsel thing? I’m not gonna do it. I don’t want to play games tonight, Heidi. Please, just—”
Heidi yanked Carine’s bra band and made her breasts spill down.
God, yes, please just do that.
Heidi gathered them beneath her palms and rubbed slowly as her mouth found Carine’s neck again. Against it, she said, “Sometimes I think about shackling your wrists overhead and taking every stitch of clothing off you before you ever have a chance to say a word.”
She drew Carine’s flesh into her mouth hard and scalloped the tip of her tongue around the edge of the seal.
It tickled in a way that made Carine’s lower belly prickle and her toes press harder against the soles of her shoes.
If that’s a hickey, Lord, I don’t care. Cover me with them if you want. I won’t mind.
“I’d have you stand there, naked and shivering in the middle of a room with your skin flushed pink and your nipples beading. Just to be mean, I’d tie some useless asshole to a chair and push him right in front of you. I’d gag him and open your legs so he could see how wet you are. I’d splay you wide so he’d have no choice but to wonder how deep your cunt is and what it’d sound like if he could ever get his cock into you.”
Carine didn’t know when Heidi had gotten her hand into Carine’s underwear, but there was a finger in Carine’s sheath when Heidi said “cock,” and tears of awe and delight pooled at the corners of Carine’s eyes.
God, yes.
“Maybe if I were in a good mood…” Heidi slid the finger between her lips and, emitting a teasingly playful moan, sucked the Carine off it. “I’d move his chair a little closer. Maybe I’d push him so you were just out of reach, and all he could get of you would be the tease of your body heat and all of your scents. And no matter how much he strains, he can’t stick his tongue out and his ropes are cinched too tightly for him to lean and bury his nose into you.”
“That’s…what you think about?” Carine still didn’t know what to do with her hands. As Heidi further undressed her, removing Carine’s shoes and belt, Carine tilted in a state of erotic indecision. She wanted to undress Heidi, too, but that wasn’t a thing she’d ever done. She was still learning Heidi’s cues and how she doled out permission. There were certain risks she wasn’t yet willing to take when the consequences could be having even less access to the woman. The idea of going back to that platonic plateau dispirited her as much as the loss already occurring. “You think about tormenting people?”
“Tormenting myself, too. Just enough because sometimes I like the payoff.”
“How would you be tormenting yourself? And what would the payoff be?” Carine was naked as a jaybird in front of the door, straining so humiliatingly for breadcrumbs of attention. Yet she still couldn’t squash down her propensity to ask questions she didn’t really need the answers to. They could have possibly been in Heidi’s bed already if Carine had stopped talking, but Carine wanted her sounds and her thoughts as much as she wanted Heidi’s touches.
After turning off the great room’s lights, Heidi led her by the hand toward the bedroom.
“Maybe I’d let him touch you.” Heidi sat Carine on the bottom-right corner of the bed and signaled with a firm squeeze of her shoulders that Carine should be still. Then she took a step back and undressed.