She may have lived a county over, but no one who ever left their house escaped having to know her. Sometimes, she seemed like she was everywhere anyone wanted to be.
“I think you knew who I was before you came over,” Heidi said smoothly.
Ms. Martha giggled in her tediously unrelenting way. “Maybe I did. A lady getting up there in age never sees the harm of making doubly sure. How on Earth do you know Carine? These aren’t her stomping grounds. I know you and Tim used to live around here somewhere, didn’t you?”
Carine put away her smile.
She wanted to go home with Heidi to sleep off all the butter she’d consumed and the wine sugar. She also wanted Heidi to be in a cuddling mood and not a“Put your heels right here and don’t move a muscle”mood. She refused to go back to that place where Heidi was so careful about keeping Carine out of her head just when Carine was starting to learn how she ticked.
“I hope you understand, Ms. Martha, if I seem eager to order and get on with the evening. The band is going over to their stools now, and you don’t want to be the only one in here standing when they start playing. I totally understand your need to hurry back to your table. Besides, Mr. Lawrence is probably looking for you. And me? Well. I’d like to spend some time with Heidi. In clothes, for a change. I’m sure you understand.”
The pinch Heidi had on Carine’s thigh tightened even more.
Carine gave her head a resigned shake, wondering what exactly Heidi thought she would accomplish with that grip. Carine’s pussy was throbbing, and she would have been shocked if the crotch of her panties weren’t wet.
Martha made her lemon-sucking face again.
Carine pushed her eyebrows up even higher, fully cognizant of how her eyes must have bulged. “I hope to see you real, real soon, Ms. Martha. Tell momma I said hello. I’m sure you’ll be speaking with her before I do, great friends that you are.”
Despite Martha’s slack-jawed lingering, Carine waved Myron back over. “I think we’re ready. Are you ready, Heidi?”
That pause of ten seconds while Heidi looked deeply into Carine’s eyes was heavy with tension, but Carine was going to stand her ground no matter what. She wasnotgoing backward. She’d decided she would have Heidi, and there was merely the small matter of being had back. Carine didn’t think she was the worst possible thing in the world. She had plenty of redeeming qualities, terrorizing young neighbors aside.
“I know what I want,” came Heidi’s consummate-professional voice as she released Carine’s thigh. “I knowexactlywhat I want.”