Jesus, how many people saw that peep show?

Heidi extended the hanger to her. “I take it you know what to do with this?”

“I remember.”

“Any requests or complaints you’d like to make?”

Slowly, Carine wrapped her fingers around the hanger’s hook. She knew she should probably say something about the lipstick, but instead, she shook her head.

Heidi looked at the clock again. “You have five minutes.”

Carine wasted fifteen seconds of that paucity of time staring at Heidi’s hypnotizing face. It was like some part of her brain thought she would catch Heidi’s mask falling off if she kept looking. Deciding that was foolish, she blinked hard and returned to the bathroom, which was becoming like a second home.

She didn’t let herself think too much about what she was taking off or how little she was putting back on. She was following instructions. Or half of them, anyway. If she were lucky, Heidi wouldn’t turn on too many lights in the bedroom and, therefore, wouldn’t notice the color of Carine’s lips wasn’t right.

She sucked some water in from the faucet and swished the taste of soy sauce off her tongue. Then she folded her clothes and hid them beneath the vanity, hoping Heidi wouldn’t poach again. Knowing Carine’s luck, Heidi would send Carine home in exactly what she was wearing right then.

After smoothing down her cowlick and sucking in her belly, she opened the bathroom door.

Oh hell.

The bedroom wasn’t nearly as dark as Carine had hoped.

Heidi sat on the bed’s edge, still in her linen and tweed, waiting for her. Heidi’s eyes narrowed, but she said nothing. She patted a spot on the bed next to her, and Carine went obediently.

I can at least do that right.

“I forgot,” Carine confessed as she sat. “The tube’s at home on my bathroom counter. I meant to put it in my bag, but I was a mess this morning. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“I can forgive. Forgetting’s a harder thing.” Heidi stood and positioned herself in front of Carine. Bending to her level, she put her hands on Carine’s knees and met her gaze. “Are you sure you didn’t leave it because you weren’t entirely sure you were coming?”

“No!” Carine balked.

Carine would have been there even if every square inch of asphalt on the road between Shora and Heidi’s was ablaze. She would have been the first human ever in existence to spontaneously sprout a pair of wings so she could fly there and fulfill her mission. She wasn’t about to let a rare opportunity pass her by, and she certainly wasn’t going to sit at home alone and listen to herself think. No good could come of that.

“Are you sure?” Heidi asked in a soft, uninflected voice.

Carine knew better than to underestimate that tone. She may not have heard Heidi use it before, but she had just enough experience in BDSM practice to know when she was being tested. “If I didn’t want to come, the lipstick wouldn’t even have made it onto the counter,” Carine said.

“Do I need to tie a string around your finger to remind you next time?”

“Probably. But then everyone at work would be asking me what I forgot.”

“And what pretty lie would you tell them?”

“I’d just tell them I owed something to someone.”

Carine couldn’t be sure, but she thought Heidi was satisfied with that answer. At least until Heidi forced her thighs apart. She grabbed Carine’s wrists before Carine could even catch on to what was happening and planted Carine’s palms on the bed behind her.

“That’s where I want you. You don’t move unless I ask you to. Do you hear me?”

Carine gulped. She was far from being a stranger to exposure. She’d done plenty of things at Clay’s on Friday nights that made her break out into nervous laughter when she recollected them weeks or months later. The energy there always ensnared her. Other guests’ lack of inhibition were contagious, and the recklessness was only amplified by the free-flowing alcohol. On those nights, she couldn’t find a damn to give even if someone had offered her a Maserati as a reward.

But she didn’t play with Heidi Dowd at Clay’s. The people she played with there kept everything impersonal. Even her secret friend, fond of blindfolds and sparse comforting, didn’t make Carine feel so raw.

“I hear you,” Carine ground out.

“You might get uncomfortable.” Heidi arranged the shirt plackets into parallel lines at the outsides of Carine’s nipples, letting the shirt tails pool at the creases of Carine’s thighs. Then she lifted Carine’s feet onto the top of the low footboard so her hips tilted slightly upward and her holes were in clear view.