At that moment, Heidi didn’t need to see the gears turning in Carine’s head. The reddening tips of her ears were good enough proof for Heidi that Carine understood.
“Are you…asking me to come get it?” Carine asked.
“At your leisure.”
“But not in time for work tomorrow.”
“Not in time for work tomorrow.”
Carine adjusted her rearview mirror and stared into it for a while as she chewed on her lip. Technically, she was in a no-parking zone. She was likely scanning for law enforcement.
Heidi knew every cop in town. None of them would give Carine a ticket for bogus parking. She was beautiful and had big tits, which were things that granted some citizens a certain kind of immunity from accusation. They’d let the infraction slide unless she got nasty with them. Nastiness didn’t tend to be Carine’s default temperature on any day.
“If you don’t want to come to fetch it, I understand.” Heidi figured she needed to be ethical enough to leave an emergency door open for Carine to escape through. She didn’t want Carine to feel obligated to keep messing with her, even if Carine had said she was looking for longer-term attention. The fact of the matter was that Carine was seeing a woman. Whether that had registered in her brain or not, Heidi couldn’t guess. One night could be called an experiment. Two nights was the length of a thorough test drive. There were plenty of lesbians who would have been online renting a van to move their lover in with them after two decent dates. Heidi liked to believe she was made of sterner stuff, but the assumption could do with some testing.
Looking askance, Carine cleared her throat and leaned slightly leftward toward Heidi. “Is that something people do on Tuesdays? Put on a costume of lipstick and their—uh. Aborrowedshirt and let a witch have her way with them?”
“You better be glad I’m holding this baby.”
“I’m behind the wheel of my car with my seatbelt snugly fastened,” Carine whispered. “What are you possibly going to do to me except tell me I didn’t blend my foundation well enough this morning? That’d hurt my feelings pretty good, though.”
“I don’t like brats, Carine. I’m going to be perfectly upfront about that. That’s more of Clay’s specialty than mine, so if that’s how you’re going to be, I’ll refer you to play with him. And now that I know that your last apology for calling me a witch wasn’t a genuine one, I won’t bother asking for another. I’ll just handle you accordingly.”
“I amnota brat,” Carine said adamantly.
“You’re sure acting like one.”
“Only because I’ve been up since six trying to get ready to take a driver’s license picture, and the bastard didn’t even warn me when he was going to push the button. I look like I’m high in the photo, and he wouldn’t retake it without me paying. So, I’m sorry if my mouth’s getting ahead of me.”
“No, you’re not sorry.”
Carine sighed. “Okay, I’mmostlysorry, and I’m sorry if that’s not enough. I’m still trying to get used to the way you do things. Everyone else I’ve been with wasn’t so consistent with their expectations. I’m smart enough to know they were just trying to…” She reached up and covered both of Naomi’s ears. “Get their dicks wet.”
Heidi didn’t bother asking if she’d let them.
“If you’re so used to being an obedient dick-wetter, I’ve got a few that might help correct your behavior. Assuming you want it corrected.”
Heidi watched the tips of Carine’s ears turn that deep shade again.
She swallowed, cleared her throat, and put her hands back on the wheel.
“Is that something you’d been interested in, Carine? Behavioral correction?”
“Am I allowed to be? Not being snarky. I don’t know the rules, and I don’t know the right thing to say to get what I want.”
“You’re allowed to be.”
Carine massaged the steering wheel some more and, yet again, gnawed on her lower lip. She rechecked her mirror. “I suppose I could stand to learn a lesson or two.”
“Well,” Heidi purred. “I suppose that’s a step in the right direction. Good girl.”
Tomorrow makes two.
Heidi shifted Naomi to her other arm and checked the doorway for Dowds. She didn’t see either of them, and she hoped that meant she’d have time to decide what flavor of the truth she would tell them about the conversation.
“Come immediately after work,” Heidi said. “Remember. This witch likes to be near her bed by nine on weeknights.”