“I knew what I was doing.”

Heidi braced her hands beside Carine’s shoulders and levered the tip of the false dick against her. “So, you think you know what I like, then.”

“I’m certainly trying to figure it out. But I know for sure what I feel good in. I know what gives me courage.”

“Do you need courage to deal with me, Carine?”

Heidi’s smirk informed Carine that she should keep her mouth shut and open her legs wider.

“You’re quiet now,” Heidi said. “I take it you want this in you?”

“I’m not going to beg. You’re either going to give it to me or not. I can rub one out tomorrow if I have to.”

“What if I told you that you aren’t allowed to?” Heidi inched her hips toward Carine.

Drawing a deep breath through clenched teeth, Carine relaxed her shoulders against the bed and relished the exquisite sting of the breaching. Her tense hands crept across the covers toward her breasts, and when Heidi didn’t try to stop her, Carine pressed hard against her nipples. She needed the distraction up high, so she didn’t focus on the pleasure below her waist. It would be over too soon if she didn’t bully her brain a little.

“I don’t think you’re that cruel.” Carine had barely gotten the words out because Heidi plumbed deeper as Carine was speaking.


Completely ignoring the notion of tenderness, Carine squeezed her breasts hard and stole focus away from what the depths of her womb were registering.

Heidi knew angles. She probably knew every one of Carine’s angles and would extort every single whimper out of her.

“I think you like your challenges,” Carine said in breathy tones as she kneaded her flesh into throbbing bulbs. “You wouldn’t care if I had to rub one out. You would think you would do a better job, so it didn’t matter what I did.”

“You make me sound absolutely villainous.”

“You make yourself sound that way. I just happen to like it.”

“Stockholm syndrome.” Slowly, Heidi rocked the toy out of Carine, then pressed back in deeper and so carefully.

“If that’s what you want to call it, fine. I call it being in love with Heidi Dowd.”

Heidi’s face did its blankening routine, and by the time it was done, Carine could read nothing off her except the fact she was alive. But it’d been too late. Carine had seen the flutter of astonishment before Heidi ruthlessly swept it away.

Carine had a poker face, too. As of late, she’d been forgetting to use it around Heidi, but it’d never failed her in those awkward conversations when she accidentally said too much about a homeowner’s desperation to sell.

She’d never realized how much fright could feel like eagerness and arousal than there at that moment, waiting for Heidi to stop staring down at her and do something.


A nerve-racking while later, Heidi’s eyebrows lurched upward half a centimeter. “I think you’re definitely having some hardships of thinking, sweetheart.”

“What if I’m not?”

Looking down at Carine’s fingers and her nipples, Heidi scowled. “What if you are?” She must have changed her mind about not minding Carine’s self-pleasuring. She grabbed Carine’s wrists and positioned them atop the pillow beyond the top of her head.

“If I am, so be it, then. I’ll lie here and just be obsessed with you like all the rest. Would you prefer that?”

She didn’t actually think Heidi would respond to that query, and Carine hadn’t truly wanted a response. She didn’t think of herself as “like the others.” She’d gotten farther and still had more distance she intended to overcome.

“No, I wouldn’t prefer that.” Letting her fingertips frolic over the slopes of Carine’s pancaking breasts, she added, “I learned long ago to appreciate from afar. I’ve had my slipups. Enough to be ashamed. Enough to know better.”

“Are you saying you should know better than this?”

Than me?