Carine closed her eyes and let out a breath. “Yes, ma’am, y’all come right on in. I’ll just have you wait right there in the foyer. That’s where we’ll get started.”

When she opened her eyes, she did that spine-steeling thing again. Then she opened the fridge, grabbed a prepared basket containing bottled water and white paper-wrapped parcels, and bumped the refrigerator door closed with her hip. “You never did tell me why you came,” she whispered as she backed toward the dining table.

“Perhaps I wanted to make sure you made it into the office,” Heidi said.

Carine snorted. “I live upstairs. Of course I made it in.”

“Well. Seeing that for myself now, I won’t worry the next time.”

Carine seemed to catch those last three words the same time Heidi did. Carine’s mouth opened on a slight delay as if to query, but the lady at the door called out again. “Is this the one that’s for sale, Miss Bennett?”

Heidi waved her on. “I’ll leave through the back door and give myself a tour of the patio.”

“I…” Letting the thought fall off, Carine waved back, turned toward the front, and hustled to her clients. “No, ma’am. This one’s way too small for what you need. It’s pretty, though, isn’t it?”

Heidi didn’t have fully congealed thoughts about the house but decided Carine was pretty enough inside it. She may not have gotten a full tour, but she’d gotten far more out of the trip than she’d anticipated.