“Maybe not,” Heidi murmured softly. “I think you’d like that too much. You see, I can tell by your breathing. By how your face flushes. By how your eyelids lower. I don’t get in the habit of giving folks too much of what they want. Made that mistake too many times in my life. Going to try not to do it again.”
“Do you expect me to be useful right now?” Carine asked pitifully.
Heidi drifted away. She grabbed a shiny red apple out of the bowl on the counter and took a big bite while staring at Carine. The sound of her teeth breaking the flesh made Carine moan. “No. I don’t imagine too many folks would be useful with wet panties. Take ’em off.”
“I didn’t bring an extra pair.”
“Never stopped you before. You think I don’t know what you don’t have on when you show up at Clay’s? I can see London and France every time you climb a staircase, and I think you like that.”
Carine knew better than to either confirm or deny. She got her thrills wherever she could get them. If that made her a troll, she was content with being a troll. She decided that should be her brand.
“Take ’em off,” Heidi confirmed, “and come back in here and be helpful.
“Are you gonna let me be functional, or are you gonna put me into subspace all day?” Carine said in an undertone. The inside of her head was a hormone-drenched garbage heap. She didn’t know which of the two options she wanted more.
Heidi’s gaze flitted to the oversized clock mounted over the wine cooler. “I’m going to go vacuum out my truck. Then I’m going to take a shower and pay some bills. Then we’ll come back together to see what we’ve accomplished.”
“Come back together.” Carine couldn’t stop her snicker from escaping. “And if I’m a good little girl?”
“Maybe I’ll give you a sucker.”
“The kind with a stick or the flesh kind?” Carine’s dangerous mouth had regained its usual agility, but for a change, the tart query she’d meant as a joke shaded differently in her brain once she’d spoken it. She realized then that if Heidi told her to open her mouth and suck, she would open it and suck whatever Heidi put into it.
And she wanted to do that because that would be a fair repayment for all the attention Heidi had given her. She’d do it because she was a little sorry for calling Heidi a witch.
And because she liked the picture she had in her head of being on her knees with her hair in Heidi’s fist and her mouth latched onto Heidi’s mound.
She’d once won a trophy for innovative sales techniques. She may have lacked Heidi’s general expertise in pleasuring women, but she was excellent at making shit up as she went along.
Heidi eyed her speculatively for a few seconds before saying, “Well, I guess that depends on how good you are, darlin’. I can’t be giving my candy away to just anyone.”