“I assumed you wanted honesty. I didn’t think anything beyond that.”

“If I wanted honesty, I’d say so. I want obedience, and I thought I was clear on that.”

Carine’s gaze flitted rightward, and Heidi could practically see her weighing out different thoughts and where they might lead if she acted on them.

Heidi understood. Some submissives didn’t know how to behave because they didn’t know what they wanted. Carine had insinuated as much. But if she crawled onto Heidi’s sheets, she would have to learn to trust that Heidi had a plan and that she would be careful with it.

Heidi stood so she could move to the head of the bed and lower her face to Carine’s.

She nudged Carine’s chin toward the ceiling and waited for Carine to look her in the eyes. She wanted to be sure Carine could hear every word that would come out of her mouth. “Keep your legs open, your complaints quiet, and your hips still. I said that I was having a conversation. You’re welcome to listen in on it, but I’ll not have you interfering. Tell me. Are you afraid of me now?”


“That’s all right. Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” The response was slower, and the vowel sound long-drawn, but Heidi had no reason to doubt the certainty. She’d never known Carine to resort to guile.

“We’ll get along just fine, then. But if I have to come up here again, I’m sending you home with a red ass and a missing skirt.” Heidi lowered her volume as soft as it could go. “Do you understand me?”

She didn’t know what it meant about her that she always got a thrill from seeing a lover’s eyes go wide, but she was never going to stop seeking that energy. It spurred her to be…worse. And sometimes worse was fun.

“I’ll ask again,” she murmured, moving her lips to Carine’s ear. She’d known the whispering would be risky and had planned in advance to extend a little grace. “Do you understand me? Speak.”

“Yes,” Carine whispered.

“Then I’m going to get back to my conversation down there now. Wish me farewell.”


“Good girl.”

Heidi retook her former perch at the bedside. And once more, she pressed her thumb onto her new joystick button and found the rhythm of play.

Carine wasn’t still. She was trying, but Heidi was…worse. She kept dry-massaging that button, milking sensations out of her with pressing, strumming, and tugging. She altered her speeds and the intensity of the touch. She teased by putting her face near Carine’s pussy, but never licking or blowing or evenbreathing. She just wanted Carine to know she was there, that she wouldn’t be getting Heidi’s mouth, and that Heidi’s fingers were only for the sweet torment of a thoroughly engorged clit.

She’d seen plenty of people have orgasms built from simple frustration, and Carine was one of them. As soon as Carine gave up on expecting other sensations, her body let her have what Heidi was trying to give her.

Carine respected the command for silence as her body started its earliest twists and writhes of orgasm. Still, her dangling jaw and digging heels gave away her rapture. She couldn’t stop her hips from rocking forward to ride the penetrant that wasn’t there. Her sex was used to there being something inside her, and often, tricking the brain that it wasn’t necessary was a marathon of a task.

There was desperation in her expression as she tried and failed, then tried and failed again to stopper the rasp of completion coming out of her mouth.

An incomplete completion, perhaps, because she thought she’d be getting stuffed and instead had been goaded into coming by the persuasive frissons generated by a puffy clit.

“Don’t. Move,” Heidi said in a tone just above whisper volume. “Don’t you move until I tell you to. I’m going to look at you. I like you all pink and glistening and heaving like you need to break free of your skin.” Heidi slowed her fingertips around Carine’s nub. She made the circle larger each time until finally, she dipped into a wet place.

That was enough.

She put her hand on her lap and just looked at Carine like she’d said.

Curling toes to quivering thighs. Spasming belly to wobbling breasts. Pulsating neck to parted lips and glassy eyes.

Carine wanted to squirm.

Heidi could see the compulsion in how Carine’s shoulders lifted fractionally from the mattress, one after the other in a sibilant sway. She wanted to squeeze her breasts together and sit up and let a shout out of her body, but she was trying to be good. She was trying to shove down the feelings inside her that she didn’t want to be so ashamed of.

Once upon a time, Heidi had been in a similar place as Carine. She didn’t like what her body wanted because it wasn’t what her brain had been taught to let her like. If it hadn’t been for Tim's intuition allowing him to put his ego aside, Heidi might have still been trying to convince herself that she could be with a man if only she’dlistenand not be so stubborn. He’d told her once, “Might be that sometimes a lady wants the dick without the man attached to it.”

While their son had slept, oblivious in his room, they’d stared at each other, probably letting their whole lives and every decision they’d ever made together spin in their brains. Tim and Heidi were perfect on paper—a match made in boondocks heaven from two of the county’s longest-residing families. They had everything in common, including a hatred of deep-dish pizza and strong feelings about potluck hygiene. Often, they could finish each other’s thoughts within a few words of opening their mouths.