If there was any verbal response, Carine couldn’t hear it, but the press of lips against hers seemed to be a confirmation.

Carine didn’t kiss back because she needed to know for sure, and even if she did know, she couldn’t guarantee she’d give Heidi that.

Whoever was with her didn’t stop Carine from examining the breadth of their shoulders and the shape of their waist and hips.

The proportions seemed to be about right.

Carine licked her lips.

Theirtasteseemed to be about right.

Carine couldn’t help but remember the last time she’d had that mouth on her and how jubilant she’d felt. But something had happened after that—someone had gotten into Heidi’s head, and whatever they’d said to her made Carine and Heidi’s bond as firm as a wet tissue.

Carine leaned out of the kiss and tugged the blindfold off her face.

That time, Heidi didn’t try to stop her.

She leaned her palms onto the bed’s edge at the outsides of Carine’s knees and stared into her eyes.

“How dare you?” Carine snapped. “You cooked up this scheme with Clay to get me someplace vulnerable? Did you think everything would be all right as long as you touched me the right way? You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to come in here and act like my girlfriend, then go out there and act like you’re not. That’s not something I’m willing to do.”

She didn’t know how the words sounded to Heidi, but they sailed across Carine’s mind like acid darts.

Heidi’s mouth was moving, but Carine could hear nothing except the tiniest bit of fry that sometimes leached into Heidi’s sultry tone. Too hastily, she tugged out one of the plugs, leaving her ear canal feeling scorched.

Heidi said in a low, slow tone, “I said, Carine, sweetheart, that this is hardly the first time I’ve been doing acting of any kind in this room with you.”

“What?” Perplexed, Carine uncorked the other ear. She didn’t want to miss a single word. She could think with two plugs in or none. Somehow, one by itself made her language processing capability dysfunctional. “What are you talking about?”

Heidi pulled in a breath in the way she always did before having to explain something she shouldn’t have had to.

Carine didn’t think she deserved that, though. Heidi was the one holding the deck of cards, and all Carine could do was sit there and watch what she dealt out.

“A full year, Carine. Did you not, even once, consider the possibility that the person you came here to play with every two weeks was someone you knew better than most?”

Even with both plugs out Carine couldn’t grasp what Heidi was saying.

Maybe it was the strong scent of roses that made her want to hug them tightly against her breasts and twirl about giggling. No one had ever given her a bouquet of roses before.

Or maybe it was the crisp blue of the eyes that seemed to never miss anything worth seeing and were, at that moment, stubbornly fixed on Carine.

Possibly, it was simply Heidi’s voice—that same voice that had flooded into Carine’s body on those few and precious times she got to wake up snuggled beside her.

When she stood so close, Carine suddenly couldn’t quite comprehend how anyone could have a reasonable conversation with Heidi Dowd.

She needed to, though. Deep down, she understood that she needed to try to grasp the situation and that it mattered forlater…whatever that was.

She closed her eyes and held her breath again to break the spell of rose scent and the scent of Heidi.

A year, she’d said. We’d been doing this for a year.As those thoughts tumbled and enlarged in her mind, they sparked heavier, broader ones.

She’d been touching me for a year? Seeing me naked. Making me orgasm. Of course she’d know exactly what to do with me.

Carine scoffed, and that made her start to breathe again.

When she opened her eyes, Heidi’s forehead was creased, and her lips were set in a frown.

“You want to go back to the way it was a few months ago?” Carine asked. “I’d come here every two weeks and let you stare at my twat, and then go home and pretend we’re both upstanding citizens.”