“Man’s gonna have a reputable-looking house even if the things happening inside are far from it,” she murmured.
Noticing the instruction placard pegged to the playroom door, with her hand on the knob, Carine paused to read.
Clay had attached a list of common-sense rules and reminders for guests who often got carried away without confirming the rules of engagement with their partners. The very bottom had bolded text.
If you have made arrangements to connect with an anonymous partner, proceed past the nook and around the screen. Tap the Ready button on the tablet inside when you wish to begin your interaction.
“Getting a little high-tech,” she said and grunted with appreciation, “but you know what, Clay? I appreciate it.”
The nook light was on. The room had been painted a soft blue since the last time Carine had been there. A new coat tree and a wide, cherry wood bureau were also installed near the door. Wondering its purpose, she opened one of the drawers and found neat rows of plain white socks, T-shirts, and no-frills underwear in various sizes.
Apparently, Clay had plenty of time to brainstorm when he opted out of playdates. More than once, Carine had left the house with mangled underwear or wearing tight work shirts she was too tender to put back on. Soft go-home clothes would have come in handy on those nights.
She closed the drawer and continued into the larger space. Despite the changed paint color, newly installed dimmable recessed lighting, and the large white screen bisecting the room, the venue was still familiar, still comfortable. She had to fight her brain to overcome her intrinsic instinct to start removing her clothing. She wasn’t there to play. She was there to test and critique.
“All right, Clay. Let’s see what that strange mind of yours has cooked up.”
Not being a great fan of jump-scares, she peeked around the screen before rounding it. She was as alone as she was meant to be, so she continued to the sideboard and picked up the tablet. The grayReadybutton floated to the center of the screen as the screen awoke.
She tapped the button.
Please enter your engagement code. If you do not know it, send a text to CLAYD.
“Oh, yay. I love a good scavenger hunt when I have other places to be.” She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and texted:Says to text you.
Okay, good. I was wondering if it was still automatically jumping to the next screen. Your code’s 00047.
Can you see everything I’m doing on that tablet?
Is that a thing I can do?
Never mind. Forget I asked.
Reluctantly intrigued, Carine inputted the code.
Thank you. You’ve chosen an anonymous encounter. Your partner will join you shortly after you’ve completed this sequence.
Here is a list of preferences or requests your partner has submitted:
The list was blank. Carine suspected Clay hadn’t made whoever was joining her be the same sort of guinea pig she was being. Either that or the coding was as screwy as Clay was.
To enjoy the room screen, tap the white Illumination button on the right side of this window and select Silhouettes. The overhead lighting will dim automatically, and strategic area lighting will activate.
“Cool.” Carine tapped the button. For two seconds, the room was cave-dark, and then the small spotlights on either side of the screen clicked on.
Please ensure that you’ve pulled the curtain edge over to meet the side of the screen.
Remember: no peeking.
Please resist looking at your partner unless they have given you explicit permission to do so. They will extend the same courtesy to you.
“You have too much time on your hands, Clay. You should get a hobby like designing board games or something.” Carine pulled the heavy, ceiling-mounted curtain over to the screen’s side and attached it to the support with the handy hook sewn into the edge. Then she snorted. “I guess the same could be said for me for ever coming here.”
When you are prepared, tap the Welcome button to signal that your partner should join you.
Remember: it is unlikely your partner will speak as they wish to preserve their anonymity. They will relay instructions to you as necessary using the app. Please keep it open.