Carine didn’t give her a chance to say so, though.

She’d already taken a few steps back and was shaking her head with the slow emphasis of an impending warning. “I’m going to work, Heidi. I need to go smile pretty and sell houses. Maybe later on, you can text me and let me know if our phones being friends is pointless to you. Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten myself pulled into orbit around you in the first place, but here we are. Let me know how you intend to proceed because I may happily get on my knees for you, but I will never let myself be some puppy that’s constantly giving chase and is never allowed to catch up.”

Carine moved with the laser focus of a neurosurgeon through the lot toward where she must have parked.

Heidi gripped the headrest of the SUV’s driver’s seat and tried to gather her thoughts.

Without saying such in exact words, Carine had stated that there were certain decisions she wouldn’t let Heidi make for her. There were things she would veto because she had her own mind and the ability to imagine a future for herself.

It hadn’t dawned on Heidi, for all the fucks she lacked to give about what people thought of her, that Carine might be the exact same way. They hadn’t reached the platform via the same journey, but they’d both arrived there all the same. It also dawned on Heidi that Carine wouldn’t have been worth her time if she hadn’t been a little mulish. While Heidi tended to like her women to be more submissive than not, she also wanted them to know how to control the narrative if Heidi lost the plot.

She’d lost it thoroughly.

But she thought she had a way of getting back on track. She’d need help. Realizing that made her back and neck start to violently itch. But she was going to prove to Carine that Heidi wasn’t going to turn her into a Eunice. If Carine were as committed as she claimed to be, the only thing Heidi was going to turn her into was a wife.

As luck would have it, Heidi already had a little practice being one.