Page 69 of The Banker



I can’t unhear that.It’s been twenty-four hours since I heard that dick Nate fucking Aurelia in her suite and I can’t get the sounds out of my ears. Her little moans and gasps, his grunts and groans. The gentle creak of the floorboards. Even when I sat out on the deck, as far from Aurelia’s suite as I could get without actually leaving the villa, I could still hear them. At one point I think I heard Aurelia shush Nate and whisper something I couldn’t make out. But it did nothing to quiet him down. It was almost like he knew it was killing me, and he wanted to enforce upon me a slow, agonizing death. I thought I hated the boy before, but now I loathe him with every fiber of my being. I honestly think that if I saw someone about to mow him down with a rifle, I wouldn’t stop them.

Thank God Luca was around this morning to follow them both as they took a lover’s stroll along the beach. I don’t know if I would have been able to handle that. In fact, I know I wouldn’t.

I sit at the kitchen counter and run through some figures Axel sent me. My eyes scan the numbers but nothing is going in. My phone buzzes and I pick up, grateful for the distraction. It’s Mom. The slight spike in my mood is immediately dashed as I swipe open the message. I have no idea how I’m going to find the kind of money she’s asking for, and I still hate that I feel I have to. That woman has done nothing for me my entire life, yet I’ve given her whatever she’s needed, whenever she’s come crawling. I wish I could just cut her off and forget about her, but I can’t. She’s my mother. She gave me life. There is still something of my beloved grandmother in her, somewhere. I would never forgive myself if I didn’t step up when she needed help.

I read the words, then I read them again.

And again.

This can’t be right.

Thanks for the money sweetheart. I know it was you and I want you to know, I’m forever grateful. It breaks my heart to agree to this, but, whatever you need Isaac. You won’t hear from me again.

I read the message a fourth time but it doesn’t matter how often I consume the words, I still can’t seem to digest them. They’re crawling back up my throat like vomit.Someonehas given my mother the money and made her think it was me.Someonehas treated me like a charity case, as though I wouldn’t be able to find that money myself.Someoneis going to get a fucking earful the second she walks through that door.

First she’s getting hot and heavy with her ex in the villa she’s sharing with me, and now she’s paying off my mother like it’s anything to do with her. Who does she think she is?

An hour later and I think I’ve worn the floorboards down by a couple inches with my pacing. Luca texted to say they’re on their way back. I give myself another pep talk.Do not lash out while dick boy is here. Make her take the money back and do not take no for an answer. Order her to leave you and your family the fuck alone. Do not let your eyes drop below her jawline, or you’ll be fucked all over again.

I hear the key card being swiped and I clench my jaw. Without realizing it, my posture has grown; I feel like a bear standing it’s ground ready for a fight. Every muscle in my body is engaged. I know this has nothing to do with Nate but I am ready to throw that kid to hell and back if he gets up in my space. I can’t remember ever feeling so angry.

Aurelia steps inside and takes one look at my face.

“Hey,” she turns to Nate behind her. “Why don’t you go straight to the gym and I’ll meet you afterwards.”

I don’t hear him answer but I assume he’s done as she’s suggested because he doesn’t follow her inside. Luca’s head appears instead.

“All good, Isaac?” he calls.

“Yeah, thanks man.” He’s far enough away that he can’t see my murderous expression. “I’ll catch you later.”

The door closes and it’s just me and her. She straightens and anchors her feet on the floor. She knows she’s in for a verbal hammering and her defenses are up.

“Why did you do that?” I cut straight to the chase.

“Do what?”

I expected this. For her to think she’d got away with it. But the guilty look on her face tells me my suspicion is right on.

“You gave my mother the money.”

“That wasn’t me.”

“Oh, it wasn’t?” I half-laugh. “You were the ONLY person who knew she wanted that money. Thatexactamount of money. And out of the two of us, you are the only one who has that kind of money lying around.” I can’t help the sneer on my face. I’m not bitter that Aurelia has more than me, just that she felt she had to step in when I can handle my mother perfectly well myself.

“I don’t have itlying around,” she bites back. “I had to go behind my fa—manager’s—back to get it moved to your mother’s account.”

“No one asked you to do that. I want you to take it back. She doesn’t deserve your money. You earned that. My mother has hardly worked a fucking day in her life.”

“I’m not taking it back. I want her to have it.”


“So that she’ll never ask you for money again. That was part of the deal.”