Page 64 of The Banker

I hope she’s nodding in agreement.

“So, who’s the angry guy in there?” I cock my head at the mention.

“Isaac? He’s my security while I’m here.”

“Around the clock?”Yes, dude.

“Mostly. He has breaks and some of the other guys fill in. There’s a great team here. They’re really nice.”Nice.I wince.

“He looks far fromnice.”Damn right, kiddo.

“Yeah, well, he’s protective of me. That’s his job.”

“Whatever you say.”

Silence follows before Nate speaks again.

“So, you’re ok with me being here?”

“I guess. I mean, I only found out you were coming yesterday and I haven’t seen you for three years. It’s still a bit of a shock.”

“I really wish all that hadn’t happened, you know. I hope I can make you forgive me.”

There’s a pause before Aurelia speaks. “Why is it even important to you?”

Nate mutters something and I crane my neck further, unable to hear.

“What?” Aurelia asks and something about her tone makes me think she doesn’t believe what she just heard.

“I miss you,” he says, and this time I hear him loud and clear and it makes me want to hurl. “I miss you, Aurelia.”

More silence follows and I hope she’s communicating in glares alone.

“You don’t have to respond to that. I know it’s a lot. Let’s just have fun the next few days, ok? If you decide you want me to stick around for longer, I will.”

When she speaks again, her voice is low. “Do any of the press know you’re here?”Good question.

“No. I was careful to cover my tracks. And it’s pretty secluded here, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is. Listen, Nate. I have to go.” I hear her getting to her feet.

“Where to?”

“I have rehearsals. Come to the show tonight. I’ll catch up with you after, ok?”

“Of course! Yes! I can’t wait to see the show.” His enthusiasm is sickening.

“Good. I’ll see you then.”

Her footsteps sound on the deck, then he speaks up again.

“And Aurelia?”


“Thanks for being so understanding. It really is great to see you again.”

“You too.” Her footsteps resume and I spin back to my laptop faking unwavering concentration as I sense her movements behind me, then the door to her suite closing softly.