Page 48 of The Banker

“Are you still cold?”

I can’t think of another plausible alternative so I nod.

“Come here.” He pulls me towards him and nestles me between his thick thighs, so I’m leaning back against his chest. He crosses his right arm in front of me, pinning me to him, and rubs my left, lightly, enough to give me goosebumps. “I don’t want you catching a cold.”

My heart sinks slightly. “Yeah, you don’t want the star of your residency having to cancel shows because they caught a bug.”

His hand stops moving and I feel his chest expand with a breath. “That’s not what I meant,” he says, his voice quiet.

“I know. I’m joking,” I say, weakly.

“Is that what you really think? That your performances are more important to me than you are?”

“Well, yes. I don’t mind, Isaac. I know what my shows are worth to the resort.”

“Aurelia.” He sighs and grips me tighter. “You have no idea, do you? You’ve become more to me than just a resident artist.”

“Really?” My insides are blooming and something is doing a dance inside my chest.

“Of course. You’re a friend. Someone I care about.”

And just like that, my heart sinks with a thud. A friend. He doesn’t see me as anything more, because I’m nothing like Paris. I’m not mature, or refined, or experienced. I might bring in the dollars, but to him I’m childish and naïve, and certainly not someone to have a relationship with. I don’t know what I was thinking, putting on makeup and getting nervous about watching a freaking movie. It’s all in my head.

“Thanks Isaac.” I force out a whisper, then reluctantly sink into his chest, feeling every ridge and muscle against my back.

* * *

I don’t remember halfof the film, the one simple reason being I fell asleep. The warmth of Isaac’s chest and the blanket and the feeling of pure and utter safety wrapped me up into a cocoon, and I drifted. I wake up just as the credits start rolling. It takes only seconds before it hits me again: the realization I’m nothing more to Isaac than a friend and client, and I never will be.

I can feel from the looser grip of his arm around my body and the soft rise and fall of his chest that Isaac is asleep too. I slowly extract myself from beneath his arm and twist to face him. I was already battling with the fact Isaac is good-looking, in a kind of efficient, domineering kind of way, but seeing his features deep in sleep, he looks beautiful. I can’t tear my eyes away. Even as the credits stop rolling and the screen turns black, casting the room in darkness, I can’t drag my open eyes from his closed ones.

Then, I do it. I can’t stop myself. It happens in slow motion. I close my eyes and press my lips to his. A warmth creeps through my skin, my veins and my bones, and shocks my eyes open. I gently move my top lip from side-to-side across his, the thrill of doing something so elicit, so forbidden, firing up my insides. He twitches slightly, deep in sleep, and it jolts me back to reality. I’m suddenly disgusted with myself. I just kissed my bodyguard without him knowing. My bodyguard who has made it abundantly clear he doesn’t see me in that way. I’m sure in some state or other, that’s illegal—advancing on someone without their permission. I slowly curl myself back around and pull his arm around me tightly. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long before his embrace, even in slumber, lulls me again into sleep of my own.