Page 44 of The Banker

“Does she hang there a lot?”

“At the bar?” Connor asks.

“Yeah. I wouldn’t mind slow-dancing with her again. She can move, that one.”

“No,” I snap. “It was a one-time thing.”

Axel slowly drags his eyes from Connor to me and they’re doing a damn slow dance of their own. “Is that right?”

“Yes. I shouldn’t have brought her there. She really needed her rest.”

Luca is glaring at me, I can sense it.

“She seemed to be unwinding just fine,” Axel says, gloating.

“Dancing always relaxes her,” I growl in reply. “That’s just how she is.”

“Are you two… together?” He asks, not-so-innocently.

“No, not at all,” I reply. Luca, who’s been watching us nervously, drops his eyes back to his phone.

“He wishes,” Jax says, and in a way I’m thankful because it lightens the mood.

“You know that’s not true.”

“He just hasn’t got laid in a while, since Paris left,” Luca adds.

“Ah yes,” Axel says, rubbing his hands together. “I heard about that. Beautiful lady.”

“Yes, she is,” I say, the dark cloud returning.And you can keep your hands off her too.I decide in those few minutes I’m not ever going to warm to this heathen.

“Well, you never know, Caroline might be back this season,” Jax says. “Doesn’t this room bring back memories?” He nods towards the storage room and I can’t stop a grin spreading across my face.

“Those were the days.”

“They weren’t that long ago,” Carter says, surprising us all by simply being awake.

“They feel like it. I need to get back in the game,” I jest.

“What happened in this room?” Axel asks.

“Oh, just Isaac engaging in some unorthodox guest relations in the store room,during a staff meeting,” Luca fires at me, accusingly.

Axel roars with laughter. “Man…” He stands and fist pumps me. “Kudos to you, that’s awesome.”

I laugh back and decide I might get along with him, after all.

“Right then,” Connor says, commanding our attention. “The schedule this week…”

He goes through everyone’s duties and, strangely, I don’t envy Axel his. He might be doing my old job but I’m surprisingly quite happy being Aurelia’s bodyguard. I’ll miss this job when it’s over.

“There is one thing I could use your help with, Isaac,” Connor says, breaking into my thoughts.

“Sure. What is it?”

“Bianchi is starting up the shipments again next week. Has a big one coming in from Mexico. Middle of the night job. I have to do some stuff for Starling, keep him away from the marina. Can you take the delivery?”

“Absolutely.” I know what’s in it for us. A little bit of extra pocket money for the whole team. Not just the security guys but the entire resort. If I can do my bit to help, I will.