Page 41 of The Banker

As the song comes to an end, I turn around to face whoever is softly guiding my hips from behind, and see a tall, heavily tattooed, strong-jawed beast of a man staring me down, not unkindly. He bows his head slightly and takes my hand. I let him lead me out of the crowd, to the edge of the courtyard where I search for Isaac. My eyes scan the walls looking for familiar faces, then I feel it. The searing hot sensation of eyes boring into my face. I turn slowly and my breath sticks in my throat. Isaac is staring at me and the giant man, with a look that says he wants to kill someone. This is my cue to leave.

I turn to the man who is still holding my hand. “Thanks,” I say. “I’m Aurelia, by the way.”

The man breaks a small smile and it looks strange, as though he was designed to look forever serious, menacing even. “Axel,” he replies, before kissing my hand and letting it go.

Isaac turns his back before I reach him and I follow his footsteps back through the buildings to the gate. He doesn’t say a word as he holds it open for me to walk through and he doesn’t say a word the whole way past Reef Street to the boardwalk.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, eventually. It’s a question born more of annoyance than curiosity. I feel as though I’ve done something wrong, but I can’t think for the life of me what it is.

“Nothing,” he says, fixing his eyes on the wooden slats.

“Have I done something wrong?”

He whips his head round. “No, of course not.”

“You’ve gone awfully quiet.”

“I just want to get you back to the villa, that’s all.”

“Why? Am I in danger?”

“No more than usual,” he replies, cryptically.

We arrive at the villa and Isaac lets us inside. I really need another shower. I showered after the show but dancing in the middle of a sweaty mass of people reversed the good that had done. But, I need to hear what Isaac’s problem is.

“Now are you going to tell me what’s put you in a shitty mood?”

He spins to face me and, for the first time, he looks angry. “You know, you really shouldn’t just let any old stranger feel you up like that.”

“What? The guy dancing? Axel?”

“Doesn’t matter who he is. You don’t know him. He could be anyone.”

“But you thought the northeast wall was safe enough for you to take me there. I figured I was ok to dance with whoever.”

“It is safe,” he snaps, taking a step towards me.

“So, what’s your issue?” I crane my neck to look up at him.

“I don’t know him and I don’t trust him.”

“But he’s part of your team,” I argue.

“Doesn’t matter. I trust the others with my life. Not him.”

“Everyone was there. Nothing would have happened.” I shake my head and look down. The way he’s staring at me is making me feel things I shouldn’t.

“That’s not how it looked from where I was standing.” His voice is barely recognizable and I realize with a jolt, he’s jealous. My insides turn to liquid.

“I didn’t do anything to lead him on,” I say, quietly. “I won’t do it again if… if it bothers you.” And I mean it. On the rare occasion I’ve thought about Isaac with Paris Navitsky, I haven’t liked the way it made me feel. I’ve never known what jealousy is until now. If Isaac is feeling it too, I need to be kind. I care about him, too much.

After an eternity, he steps backwards. “It’s not me I’m bothered about, it’s you.”

He disappears into his suite while I walk unsteadily towards the kitchen and perch on one of the kitchen bar stools. When he returns, he places a series of photographs in front of me.

“Do you know this person?”

I’m staring at some grainy black and white CCTV photos of a woman, about eight years older than me, slender, pretty, completely unfamiliar.