Page 33 of The Banker

I’m too flustered to respond so I just watch her rise unsteadily to her feet and pick up the two glasses that, in the process of our fall, had dropped to the floor, thankfully unscathed. I can’t believe that just happened. I’m old enough to have conceived her, for God’s sake, and she just felt my hard on. A hard on caused by my obvious physical attraction to her.

We’d been getting on just fine. Better than fine. I was enjoying her company, more than I probably should have, and now she’s going to think I’m some dirty old guy. I focus on the surface of the table as she shuffles into the kitchen and pours two more glasses. I’m still focused on the table when a fresh glass of iced water appears in front of me.

“Here. I think you might need this,” she says. I look up and see her biting her cheek to stop a grin forming. I shake my head and clap my hands over my face.

“Ah fuck. I can’t believe that happened. I’m sorry Aurelia, it’s not what you think.”

“You mean the sight of a young popstar wandering around in a corset and panties didn’t turn you on?”

I have no answer so I glare at her instead.

“Frankly, I’d be offended if it hadn’t,” she continues. “I’m not going to take it personally, Isaac. You’re a red-blooded man and there’s a reason why women wear this shit. I know I’m not your type, so you can relax.”

Am I hearing her correctly? She’s really ok with this? She doesn’t think I’m some old, dirty pervert for getting turned on by that view?

“Ok, well, thanks,” I breathe out. “And I’m really sorry. Please don’t read anything into it, ok? Please?”

Her face falls from one of mild amusement to what looks like disappointment, but couldn’t possibly be. “It’s been a long night,” she says, lowering her eyes. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Sure. Night.”

I watch her leave, silently kicking the shit out of myself for seeing so damn stupid. Then I retire to my own room, immediately pulling my cock out to finish whatever the hell that corset had started, but I can’t do it. I’m too mortified. I go to bed feeling frustrated, embarrassed and full of regret.