Page 91 of The Banker

“No, of course you’re not intruding. Have you met Billy and Ana?”

“Briefly.” She gives them a small wave and sits down on the floor of the deck. “How are you doing?”

I don’t get a chance to reply because Ana is in there faster than a speeding bullet.

“She’s doing amazingly, apart from the fact she’s in love with her bodyguard and he’s too dumb to realize she’s probably the best thing that’s ever going to happen to him.”

Tawny’s mouth falls open. “What?”

I feel my cheeks flood with heat and know there’s no point trying to cover them up. “Yeah. It’s not how I would have put it, but…”

“That’s huge!” Tawny says, breathily. “And amazing! I mean, you two are perfect together. I never would have thought it—he’s always been so against younger women, but you’ve changed him Aurelia. He’s become a different person since you arrived.”

I drop my head to keep my sadness just below the surface. “Not really. He’s very much the same underneath. There was a reason he always went for the older, married type. He may not go for them anymore, but the reason is still there.”

I don’t say any more than that because it’s not my reason to divulge. The fact is, Isaac is incapable of being vulnerable. He would sooner sell himself short with women who don’t need him, than take a chance on being truly loved by someone who is human, who might have the capacity to leave, but may never want to.

Thankfully, they let me answer the rest of their questions without bringing Isaac up again, and we eat the amazing, delicious food that Arnaud sends over. I feel as though my life is starting all over again, whether Isaac wants to be a part of it, or not. And despite his refusal to come with me, I’m happy. I’m slowly but surely getting little parts of my mom back. My friends are by my side again, and for the first time in my life, I’m in charge of my own future.