Page 88 of The Banker



I wakeup reluctantly from the most amazing dream, and realize with a start, I’m not in my bed. I don’t move. Instead, I allow the nerves littering my skin to detect what’s pinning me down. Isaac. I slowly turn my head to the side and his sharp jaw and deep lashes come into view. He must be still sleeping. His face is peaceful, his breath soft. Mine catches in my throat. How much of my dream was real?

I lay still, watching him, taking in as much as I can before we wakes up and breaks this spell I’m under.

His lips move, making me jump. “Why you staring at me?”

My smile widens. “I’ve never seen you asleep before.”

His eyes open and he blinks, squinting at the closeness. “Yes, you have. The time you left the villa and almost gave me a heart attack.”

“Well, now that you know why I did it, do you forgive me?”

He sighs and raises a hand to rub his face. “Nope.”

“You’re infuriating,” I bite out with a grin.

“That’s my line.” He pulls his arm out from under me and stretches both of them above his head, yawning. I miss the feel of him already.

I shuffle up to sitting and turn to face him. His hands are behind his head, his elbows dropping to side, and he’s watching me, almost amused.

“Thanks for last night.”

“Which part? You were barely speaking to me for half of it.”

“That’s not true.”

“It’s ok. I guess you had a lot on your mind up until the announcement at least. Speaking of which. We should check the papers this morning. I’ve no doubt the media on the monitor will have filed their stories hours ago.”

“I wasn’tnotspeaking to you. I was keeping my distance.” I look away. “I didn’t want to get in the way with… you know… Paris.”

“You didn’t. And, as it turned out, there was nothing to get in the way of. It wasn’t happening, and it was all me. I’ve changed, I guess.”

I don’t know what to say to that. He might have changed and he might no longer be with Paris, but he also isn’t willing to come with me, as my security or as a boyfriend. I never said the ‘b’ word but the implication was there, and it was clear.

“Well, thanks anyway. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

He sits up and rubs his eyes. “Yes, you could, and you did.” He faces me with a serious expression. “Sure, I got you passwords and stuff, but you figured it all out yourself, you came up with a plan yourself, and unless I’m blind, I didn’t see anyone but you standing up on that podium making that announcement. And that took guts. I mean, your mom…”

“Mom!” I suddenly feel a driving urge to see her. I’d almost forgotten this would have had a devastating impact on her. The girls won’t remember Chuck ever being a part of their lives—they’re too young—but Mom really loved Chuck, despite what he said. She’s going to be heartbroken. “I need to see her. Is she still on the isalnd?”

“I imagine so. The girls stayed in one of the villas; I doubt your mom would’ve gone back to Miami without them. Wait here. I’ll call Connor.”

I stay on the couch, wringing my hands while I wait for Isaac to return. “She’s here, in the villa nine. Two of your dancers stayed with her.”

A hand flies up to my chest in relief. “Thank God she wasn’t alone.”

“I get the impression she was out of it for most of the night. Shall we go there now?”

I nod. “Let me change quickly.”

* * *

It’sSasha who opens the door. She throws her arms around me before letting me inside. “I’m so proud of you, girl.”

“Thanks honey.”