Page 74 of The Banker

“You have changed my life, Tawny Graham. You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I know. And even that is an understatement.”

I haven’t had the same education as most people but even I recognize those words by the famous F. Scott Fitzgerald.

“I truly don’t believe anyone can deserve you as a wife, but I am prepared to spend the rest of my life trying to become worthy.”

Tawny’s shoulders are heaving and the audience is still and silent, except for the occasional sniff and wipe of an eye. I grit my teeth to hold back emotion. If I’m the slightest bit choked up, I can’t sing. And there’s not a lot that won’t tip me over the edge tonight.

“Tawny Graham, love of all my lives. Will you marry me?”

The audience collectively holds its breath as Tawny removes the hand covering her mouth. She drops to her knees and takes Connor’s face in her hands. A tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.


The crowd is in uproar again as Connor scoops Tawny up into his arms, hugs her tightly and spins her around. The band spontaneously bursts into a raucous jam and I clasp my hands together, grinning like a proud mother. I let them have their moment and laugh when Connor gently places Tawny back to the ground, turns to the audience and whoops. The crowd goes crazy for it. Eventually, the two of them turn to me and it’s clear they now want to share this moment together alone.

I step forward and hug them both, then I nod to a runner who sprints over to us and escorts my two friends backstage. As they reach the left exit I see him. Isaac. The man who had made me feel that special for a few minutes. He must have been waiting for them both all along. Our eyes connect and he sends me a timid smile before wrapping his arms around Connor and Tawny, giving his own congratulations. Suddenly choked, I turn back to my band and nod, signaling them to launch straight intoCrazy Baby. I need to focus on something else. The bass kicks in and the crowd erupts. The dancers bounce into action with renewed energy. Connor’s proposal seems to have lifted everyone but me. And no matter how high I jump, or how fast I spin, I can’t escape the feeling of a lead weight sinking to the pit of my stomach.

Somehow, I manage to get through the rest of the show without faltering. The hours and hours of relentless rehearsing is being truly put to the test. As I bring the show to a close, dancing out the last bars ofBreak His Heart, I see something that breaks mine. I thought Isaac’s silent admission that I was right, that he won’t ever commit to someone who’s free to be his, would be the thing that causes me the ultimate pain, but I was wrong.

I hold my final stance at the front of the stage and sing out the final note, elongating it with the last remaining ounces of oxygen left in my lungs, and I see her. In the front row, of course.

Paris Navitsky.

Looking every inch the woman for Isaac that I will never be.