Page 61 of The Banker

“I guess,” I sigh.

“And Isaac too?” Tawny tips her head towards the villa.

I can’t help the frown clouding my brow. “Yeah.”

“Hmm,” Tawny says, laying back on the lounger she’d been perched on. “I guess someone has to be a third wheel, right?”

“What do you mean?” I watch her stretching out on the lounger and for a moment I envy everything about her life. I know my mom thinks Tawny and I have nothing in common, and right now I agree. Tawny is free to come and go as she pleases, she’s found the love of her life and he loves her back, she can do a job she loves without people trying to make more money out of her.

“Well, I mean, you and Isaac… you know? You guys seem to get on so well. Is Nate going to be ok with that?”

I glance back at the villa and see Isaac turn his head back to his laptop on the counter. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” I mutter.

Tawny’s head flips to the side.

“Why? Has something happened?”

“Isaac and I had a, um, disagreement. I don’t think our working relationship is going to come between anything I have with Nate.”

“But you guys get along so well,” Tawny frowns. “I mean, it’s like you’re the same person sometimes.”

I suddenly feel cold all over. “How?”

Tawny sits up and looks over her shoulder to check Isaac is oblivious to our conversation, then leans towards me and lowers her voice. “It’s just that you seem so comfortable in each other’s company. You’re always laughing together at the weirdest things. It’s like he’s your big brother or something.”

My heart sinks. “Yeah, I guess maybe that’s how it feels sometimes. I mean, he’s paid to protect me, isn’t he?”

Tawny narrows her eyes. “It’s more than that though, right? I think he really cares about you, and it looks to me that the feeling is mutual.”

I sigh inwardly. “Yeah, I suppose so.”

“Do you think Nate will be jealous of that?”

I shrug. I honestly have no idea. I’m still having a hard time believing he genuinely cares for me at all. “There’s nothing to be jealous of.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “Isaac and I are not that close anymore. He’s hardly spoken to me since, well, since we had that disagreement.”

“Isaac? Not speaking to you? That doesn’t sound like him.”

“He does a little, but only when it’s about work, you know? My security.”

Tawny turns to look at Isaac. He’s glued to his laptop. “What did you disagree about? If you don’t mind me asking,” she says, quietly.

“Um, well…” I really don’t know if I should tell her, but the words are burning my throat. I need to confide in someone. “It’s ironic, really. It was about how, um, close we are.”

Tawny cocks her head. “I don’t understand.”

I lean towards her and fix my eyes on the floor. “I kissed him,” I whisper.

Tawny puts a hand over her mouth, biting back a smile. “You’re kidding, really?”

I feel a little mortified by her reaction. “Why would I be kidding?”

“No reason,” she says, forcing a serious look onto her face. “I think it’s great, actually. You two are super cute together.” Suddenly, her face falls. “Wait. What did he do? Did he kiss you back?”

Blood rushes into my cheeks and I nod. Tawny sucks in a breath, her face lighting up.

“Oh my God, Aurelia! You two kissed!”

“Shh,” I say, my eyes wide. “He will be mortified that I’ve told anyone.”