Page 30 of The Banker

“She blamed you?” Isaac says, slowly.

“Of course. Everything was always my fault. I knew though. I knew she’d forgotten me and probably felt guilty as hell. Fortunately for my mom, she had a close relationship with the local sheriff so no charges were brought against her for ‘irresponsible parenting’. The incident was never mentioned again, and Chuck gave the sales girl a tip big enough to buy her a new car and keep her quiet, but it changed me for good. I insisted on having security from that point on, which Chuck controlled of course. And then Mom had the twins.”

Isaac doesn’t say anything and I feel as though he’s really hearing me. “Things still didn’t change, though. It wasn’t like Mom became the homely Mom again after that. Instead, two wonderful nannies arrived and Mom continued to go out for her treatments and her social events. Chuck was never that interested in fatherly duties either. He was more interested in my career, and bossing me about,” I add, with a weak smile.

“I noticed the way he spoke to you when you first visited the island,” he says, choosing his words carefully. “Does he speak that way to you a lot?”

“All the time. If it wasn’t for the money I make, I don’t think he’d want me around at all, to be honest.” I have never admitted this to anyone before, not even Ana and Billy. I don’t know what it is about Isaac, but I feel like I can tell him anything. There is no judgement there and he appears to genuinely care. I have to catch myself occasionally. He is on my payroll, of course he has to appear that way.

“But, wait. Your name, Bird?”

“It’s my mom’s name. Chuck changed his name when he married her.”

Isaac shook his head.

“What about your dad? Your real dad?”

“I’ve never had one,” I say, with a bitter laugh. “That’s the weirdest thing. I was a sperm bank baby. My mother actually went and got herself pregnant, on her own. You would think she wanted to actually be a mother.” I shake my head, the bitter laugh lingering.

“I never heard that about you. Is it common knowledge?”

“No. I mean everyone knows I was raised by a single mom, but no one knows why. No one. Only you. And Mom. Chuck thinks my dad left my mom high and dry; I think she prefers it that way.”

Isaac sits back and lets out a long breath. “Fuck, Aurelia.”

“I don’t want pity, Isaac,” I say, firmly.

“I’m not pitying you,” he says, with a slight snap in his voice. “I am… I…” He rubs his eyes in frustration. “I’m in awe of you, to be quite honest.”

Almost immediately, my heartrate picks up and my cheeks flush again. But this always happens. Whenever anyone gives me a compliment, I hang onto it for dear life. The fact the giver of the compliment is a strong, fit, good-looking security guard who’s devoted the next few months to keeping me safe, only intensifies the feeling.

“Remember you said you’d help me if I needed it?” I venture, unable to look him in the eye.

“Yes. What do you need?”

I take a deep breath. “Bank statements.” I still can’t look at him.

“Bird Holdings?”


“And Chuck Bird?”

“If that’s possible.”

“Anything’s possible.”

He says all this with no emotion, no judgement, and I’m so grateful I could hug him, but I’ve already made that mistake once. After the first show. It didn’t help the burgeoning warmth I felt and have been trying ever since to deny.

“Thank you,” I conclude, taking another sip of water to cool my veins. “Now, that’s enough about me. Tell me about Paris Navitsky.” I finally raise my eyes to him.

It is alarm that flashes across Isaac’s face before resignation. “There’s not much to say,” he replies. It’s his turn to look away as he speaks. As he gazes out at the sea while I take in his profile. He isn’t just tall and dark; he is downright handsome.Anda bodyguard. Most girls’ dream. But he’s complicated too. I can tell before he utters a word about it.

“Yes, we have a bit of a thing going. But, as you know, she’s married.” He doesn’t wince as he says this, but he doesn’t look at me either. “She’s alone a lot. We like each other. That’s it really. Neither of us want anything more, and I’m pretty sure Roman knows. I doubt I’m the first.”

When I don’t say anything, Isaac turns to gauge my reaction, but I know my face is blank. “It won’t get in the way of my job,” he says, narrowing his eyes, darkening them further.

“I didn’t think it would,” I reply.