“That’s very kind of you, Ren, but I shouldn’t.” I took another large bite, and my eyes fell closed as the stew warmed my belly.

“Hi, Ren.” Jorah’s voice drew my attention, and I opened my eyes just in time to see him sitting down beside me. “What’s the special today?”

“Rabbit stew with root vegetables.” Ren beamed proudly.

“It’s amazing.” I pointed my spoon to my almost empty bowl.

“It looks like it.” Jorah laughed before grabbing his own spoon. “But it usually is.”

“Where are you and the captain heading today?” Ren shifted on his feet just as Evren approached the table and set the large glasses in the center.

“I can’t tell you all my secrets, Ren. What kind of captain would that make me?”

“I didn’t think of that.” Ren rubbed his chin as he stared up at Evren, and admiration shone in his eyes.

Evren mussed Ren’s hair with his hand before pulling out the seat at my side. “Keep training. You’re going to make a fine captain one day.”

Evren flipped him a coin, and Ren caught it in his hand before smiling broadly. He ran back behind the bar and spoke to the woman who I assumed was his mother.

“That was kind.”

“He’s kind to us.” Evren nodded toward Jorah before pushing an ale in his direction and the other in mine. “Why wouldn’t I be so in return?”

“There are lots of men in this world who don’t return kindness.”

“Well, I’m not one of those men.” He shrugged as if his answer was that simple, but it wasn’t.

Evren said it so simply, but it mattered far more than he realized. He was a part of the royal family that I hated, but I had begun to trust him more than I had ever trusted anyone else in my life.

“Have some ale.” He pushed it toward me before laying a key in front of Jorah. “Then we’ll all get some sleep.”

“Where’s my key?” I held out my hand just as Jorah choked on his ale.

“Here.” Evren held the key in his hand but pulled it away as I reached out for it. “Not happening, princess. We’re sharing a room.”

My stomach tightened at the thought, but I had to force away my want for him. I needed to think, to try to make sense of what I was doing, and I couldn’t do that with him in the same room.

“I want my own room.” I pressed my hands against my thighs as I spoke.

“There are only two available, and I took them.”

“Then you room with Jorah.” I nodded to the guard, who was quietly eating his soup.

“That’s not happening.” Evren shook his head and took his own bite.

“Why not?”

“Because, princess. We were just fucking attacked, and I’m not letting you out of my sight for even a moment. You can room with me, or all three of us can room together. Those are your two choices.”

He stared me down, and I matched his gaze. I knew he was being reasonable, but I didn’t want to be. I wanted to demand that he leave me alone while every part of me was screaming for him to stay.

I raised my ale to my mouth and took a long pull as he watched me. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand. “Can I at least go to the room while you two finish eating, or is that against the great captain’s regulations as well?”

Jorah laughed before he quickly cleared it with a cough.

“Straight to the room.” Evren dangled the key in front of me. “Remember, if you try to run, I will find you.”

The urge to tell him that I couldn’t run again if I wanted to was overwhelming, but I wouldn’t give that much of myself away. Not when he already had more of me than I had ever intended to give.