The guard looked back and forth between Evren and the queen, and I could see him battling with what to say to her.

“What numbers are we talking about?” Evren asked, ignoring the queen completely.

“Inside the capital, our intel is guessing close to fifty. We’re not certain what waits for us outside the capital’s borders.”

The queen turned toward Evren, and for the first time since I met her, I could see the panic on her face. “I thought you said our borders were protected.”

“They were when I left them.” Evren stared at the queen without an ounce of fear. “But I haven’t been at the border in quite some time. I don’t know what’s happened since I’ve been in the capital.”

“What do we do?” Gavril asked, and it hit me how unprepared he was to be king. He may have been who the queen wanted, but Evren was far better suited to rule.

Evren looked back and forth between the queen and his brother, and I knew he was probably thinking the same thing as I was. “We protect the capital. Send any guards we can spare from the palace to protect our people.”

“No,” the queen replied quickly. “We must protect the palace and the Starblessed.”

“If the vampyres reach the palace, the Starblessed will be no concern of yours. They will wipe out every one of us with a vengeance you cannot grasp.”

“Take her away.” Gavril moved toward his brother without even looking in my direction. “We need the Starblessed, and she must be protected. Now that I’ve fed from her, take her away. Take her to Nabál until we know the threat is over.”

Evren shook his head as he looked at his brother. “That’s a bad idea. They know she’s here, and they are going to be looking for her. Do you know what the Blood Court could do with such a powerful Starblessed in their hands? We don’t have guards capable enough to keep her protected.”

“You go.” Gavril nodded toward him. “And take your best men. I’m not sure what I’m capable of now that her blood runs through me, but I can take care of the palace.”

“And our people?” Evren growled.

“Are the least of our concerns. We must protect Adara and our home.”

Pain sliced through my chest as Gavril showed me who he was again and again.

“These people trust us.” Evren pointed to the wall where the city lay just outside the stone. “You cannot leave them defenseless against the Blood Court. It will be a massacre.”

“It is not your decision to make, Captain.” Gavril stared at Evren, and the feel of magic flared in the room. “You have your orders, and you will obey them.”

“Of course.” Evren dipped into a small bow, but his jaw tensed as he did so. “We will leave in the early morning hours when everyone least expects it.”

Evren finally looked toward me, and I could see the hesitation in his gaze. He didn’t like this plan any more than I did. I had no interest in staying in the palace, but I also didn’t want to be taken somewhere else where I would remain their prized prisoner.

And I didn’t want to be taken there by him after what he had just allowed his brother to do.

“Come, Adara. I’ll take you to your rooms until we are ready to depart.” He outstretched his hand, but I passed by it without taking it. I didn’t want anyone in this room to touch me. They had all done enough already.

I moved toward the door and pulled it open, and I took a deep breath as I stepped outside of Gavril’s chambers. I was leaving this palace tonight, and I had no intentions of returning.