“But trust me, Adara. The thought drives me mad.” His hands tightened around my waist as he whirled us around the dance floor. “I don’t wish to see any other man have his hands on what’s mine.”

His words stiffened my spine because I feared what he would do if he was to ever find out about the way his brother had touched me. The way he has taken what was his right under his nose.

“I’ll do what I need to.”

I looked toward the queen where she was talking to a few men, but her eyes were directly on me. Watching my every move.

I would do whatever it took to make her not suspicious of the son that wasn’t of her blood and me. I searched for him throughout the sea of people and finally found him standing near the door with a few of his guards. They were speaking to one another, all three with grimaces on their faces, but Evren’s eyes were tracking me.

The music slowed before the final notes floated through the room, and Gavril held me firmer against him as our footsteps stopped along with the sound.

“Come on.” He smiled down at me playfully, and my chest tightened. “Let’s get you some wine before you’re forced to dance with some men who aren’t nearly as good of a dancer as I am.”

“You think you’re a good dancer?” I teased, and I hated how heavy it felt in my chest. Gavril was being kind to me, and I was doing nothing but betraying him anytime he simply looked away.

“I have been told that a time or two.” He chuckled and wrapped his hand around mine. “Do you think I need more training?”

“Maybe.” I laughed as he pouted. “But I’m certain that the two of us will get more than our fair share of training tonight.”

“That we will.” He dropped my hand long enough to grab a goblet of wine from a long table that was filled with alcohol and food, and he handed it to me before grabbing his own. “And this should help.”

I took a long sip of the wine and tried to allow it to calm my nerves. I would need far more than a single glass, but I was thankful for the small reprieve.

I finished the glass quickly, and Gavril didn’t say a word as he took the empty glass from my hand and gave me another. He simply smiled as if he knew how much tonight was going to take from me. He smiled at me like he wasn’t the prince who was forcing my hand in marriage because he wanted me for my mark and not for me.

And for a moment, it hit me that Evren probably wanted the same. There was no doubt in my mind that the bastard prince wanted me in a way that was indescribable. He wanted my flesh, and I wanted him just as badly, but would he crave me the way he did if I hadn’t been the girl who was destined?

I sought him out again, my gaze knowing exactly where to find him, and he was watching us both so intently as if I was standing with the enemy and not his blood.

“Excuse me, Your Grace.” I was caught off guard as an older man bent into a low bow in front of Gavril, drawing my attention back to him. “May I ask for the Starblessed’s hand in a dance?”

He stood back to his full height, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. There was something familiar about this man, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but I knew that I knew him.

“Of course.” Gavril patted his shoulder before turning to me with a smile. “Adara, this is Nobleman Etkin.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Starblessed.” He smiled at me kindly, but my back was straight and the muscles in my legs tight and ready to flee.

“Likewise.” It was the only word I could manage.

He held his hand out to me that was worn from age, and I looked to Gavril as I hesitated. But he was smiling up at the man like he couldn’t imagine there being anyone else better for me to dance with.

He wasn’t going to stop this no matter how badly I was begging him with my eyes.

I slipped my hand into the nobleman’s and allowed him to pull me away from Gavril and back to the dance floor.

He held one of my hands in his own, and I lifted my other to rest on his shoulder. I looked anywhere but at him as he started leading me around the floor, but my back was turned to Evren. I just needed to look at him once.

“How are you enjoying the kingdom of Citlali thus far, Starblessed?”

I was forced to look up at him then, and I quickly studied his eyes as I answered. “It’s been lovely.”

“Good.” He nodded once, his gray hair barely moving out of place. “And everyone has been kind to you?”

My stomach dropped as I listened to his words. I knew this man. I knew him, but I didn’t know from where. I didn’t recall meeting him throughout the castle, but I had to be wrong.

“Have we met before?” I studied his eyes and watched as a flicker of fear entered them at my question.

“No, Starblessed. I just arrived in the capital a few short days ago.”