“Just try a drink.” I lifted my ale and brought it to my lips. It was cold and bitter, but I much preferred the taste to the wine they served in the palace. “We’ll be back at the palace shortly.”

I looked around the tavern as I took another long sip of the cold liquid, and everyone seemed to be lost in their own worlds. No one was paying a bit of attention to us, and when someone’s gaze did collide with mine, they simply nodded their head in my direction before going back to their conversations.

“How many other Starblessed are in Citlali?” I looked over at Evren, and he was already watching me.

“At least a dozen, I’d say.” He still hadn’t touched his drink. “Most of them live within the city. Some are married, others are not.”

“Where are the Starblessed that Gavril has fed from?”

Evren’s eyes darkened at my question, and his voice was much lower when he answered me. “Gavril has fed from them all. Along with the king and queen.”

“What?” I shook my head as I tried to wrap my head around what he had just said. I had always been told that as a Starblessed I would belong to the future king and him alone. It had never crossed my mind that another could feed from me. I had never even considered that the lives of other Starblessed would be any different.

“They crave power, Adara, and the Starblessed are the way to gain that power within.”

“And what about you?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “You say that you have never fed from a Starblessed, so what is it that you crave?”

He stared at me for a long moment before his gaze dropped to my lips. “I think we both know what it is that I hunger for.”

I glanced over at Eletta, but she was too busy watching those around her with a careful eye.

“Enlighten me, prince.” I lifted my glass and took another drink. “I couldn’t be more uncertain about anything.”

“You should slow down on the ale.” He looked at the glass in my hand, but I didn’t want to change the subject.

The ale was making me feel brave, and I knew that he was probably right. “Answer my question.”

“I don’t think you really want to know my answer.”

“And why is that?” I stared up at him, and it hit me how easy this was. Sitting here talking to Evren, fighting with him. It was far easier than it should have been.

“Because if I tell you the truth, then you’ll know what you’re imagining between us isn’t simply in your head, and you’ll feel guilty for betraying a man to whom you’re betrothed.”

“I’m not betraying anyone.”

He searched my face before finally reaching for his own ale and bringing it to his lips. “Not yet, you aren’t.”

He stood suddenly, his chair scraping across the floor, and I turned away from where he was retreating. Jorah was watching me. His eyes were narrowed and his brow wrinkled. I wasn’t sure if he didn’t like what he was seeing with me and his captain or if he simply didn’t care for me. But either way, he didn’t approve.

I lifted my mug and drained the remainder of the ale before looking back over my shoulder. Evren was at the bar with a few other men, and they were all laughing as if they had no cares in the world.

I turned back and avoided looking at Jorah’s disapproving gaze as I nudged Eletta. “Have you ever been here before?”

“No,” she answered quickly. “And this place isn’t suitable for you, my lady.”

“Eletta, please call me Adara,” I grumbled, and her cheeks blushed pink. “I see nothing wrong with this place. It’s fun. Try your ale.”

“Absolutely not.” Her voice wavered as her hand pressed against her chest.

“Fine.” I lifted her cup in my hand. “Mind if I drink it then?”

“I don’t, but you should be careful. Fae ale is not for the weak of heart.” She scrunched her nose and looked around the tavern with trepidation pouring off her.

“It’s a good thing that I’m not weak of heart then.” I smiled and took another sip. My head did feel light, but so did my chest. It was a feeling I craved at that moment, a pleasure I hadn’t known for a long time. “What about you, Eletta? Are you betrothed to anyone? Anyone in here that’s catching your eye?”

If I thought she was blushing before, I was wrong. Eletta looked at me like I was crazy. “Of course not. I will get married when the queen deems it so.”

“Bummer,” I muttered around my drink before setting it on the table and clasping her hand in mine. “We should dance.”