It didn’t matter that the prince I wasn’t betrothed to eating from my hand was inappropriate at that moment. I would think of it later when I couldn’t sleep. But right now, all I could think about was the trace of sugar that clung to his lips and how desperately I wanted to lean forward and see if it tasted differently on his skin.

“Let me show you my favorite place in the city.” He wiped his mouth with his thumb, and I pulled my pastry back to me before bringing it to my lips. “I think you’ll like it.”

“Evren,” Jorah said his name in warning, and it caused Evren to grin unabashedly.

“Calm down, Jorah.” Evren laughed. “I think you’ll find your future queen is much more daring than you’d think.”

“And the future king will have our heads if either of us let anything happen to her.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to her.” Evren held his hand out in my direction. “Do you trust me, princess?”

The answer was no. Irrevocably and absolutely no, but I still slid my hand into his. He smiled before pulling me toward him and through the crowds of people that seemed to barely notice me. Instead, they were all looking at him.

I watched as they watched him. If they feared him as Eletta said, I couldn’t tell. Instead, they looked upon him with an air of respect. Many nodding their heads in his direction, but none bowed.

“Do they know you’re a prince?” I whispered as we passed, and Evren’s hand tightened against mine.


“Your people.” I waved ahead of me before pulling my silk cape tighter against myself.

“Of course, they do.” He chuckled and turned suddenly as we passed an old tavern. He pulled me up to the door where loud music was pouring out, and I quickly looked behind me to see Jorah and Eletta following us, both with a frown on their faces.

“Then why don’t they bow to you?” I searched the dark tavern as we entered before one of the men stood and clapped Evren on his back.

Evren didn’t answer me at first. He found us a small round table and pulled out a seat for me before doing the same for Eletta at my side. He then waved to the bartender before sitting beside me.

“As you said, princess, these are my people. I don’t treat them as if they are beneath me, so they don’t feel as such. I am not my brother.”

“So, your brother does treat them as if they are beneath him?”

He studied my face for a long moment before answering. He leaned closer to me so only I could hear. “Gavril is my brother, and as such, I won’t speak badly about him. But open your eyes, princess. The truth is right there in front of you.”

“Stop calling me princess.”

“Why?” He slowly ran his fingers over my cape. “You’ll be one soon enough. You should get used to it. Now take off this ridiculous cape.”

I slowly lowered the hood just as the bartender sat four large ales on our table, some of the liquid splashing over the sides. “Evren. Jorah.” He nodded to both. “It’s been a minute.”

“It has.” Evren laughed before sliding an ale in front of me and Eletta. I almost joined him in laughter at the look on her face. “Duty calls and I typically need a few days’ recovery when I walk out of these doors.”

“Ah. It’s not so bad.” The man chuckled before looking down at me. “Who’s this?”

“Jean, this is Adara Cahira, my brother’s betrothed. Adara, this is Jean.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” I held out my hand to the man, and he smiled before slipping it into his much larger one.

“You too, girl. Although I’m a little shocked that you’re in my tavern. You trying to get the queen to take your head, Evren?”

“That’s what I said.” Jorah sighed before taking a long pull from his ale.

“She’s fine.” Evren chuckled before tugging my seat closer to him. “She’s got the best guards this kingdom has to offer.”

“When they aren’t full of ale.” Jean laughed before looking back toward his bar. “I have to go serve someone else, Your Highness. Don’t break anything.”

Evren saluted him with a laugh just as Eletta reached for my hand under the table.

“I think we should head back to the palace,” she whispered as her gaze jumped around the room, attempting to keep an eye on everyone.