“I have heard rumors of their threats.” I swallowed hard and tried not to allow him to see the fear in my eyes. “Do you truly believe that my blood is strong enough to fight them off?”

He chuckled, the sound cynical and bitter. “I believe that my blood is strong enough. What runs in your veins means nothing without me.”

I bit my tongue as I stared at him. No. I wouldn’t survive running from him, but I knew I couldn’t endure a life at his side either.

I had a decision to make. One that I wouldn’t take lightly, but I couldn’t sit here and stare at this man, my future husband, my future king, and accept his word as if he was one of the gods.

He was fae, but that didn’t make him deathless.

“Don’t worry yourself about the Blood Court.” He leaned forward and pressed his elbows into the table as he watched me. “Your focus should be on serving me and my kingdom alone. You are my Starblessed, and fear of creatures who don’t dare cross our border are not your concern. Now eat.”

I lifted the bread I was still holding to my mouth and slowly took a small bite like the dutiful intended that I was, and as I stared at him, everything became clear.

I was to escape Citlali and run as far as I possibly could, or I was going to have to kill the crowned prince. I was going to take the son from the very people who stole my father.

Neither of those choices would end well, but they were better than the fate that was laid before me.