Every part of me felt alive, my mark stirring along my skin, and I couldn’t stop myself as I leaned farther into him.


“Yes?” I blinked up at him, and my hand ached to reach up and push away his dark hair that was falling into his handsome face.

“I should escort you to your room.”

“Of course.” I nodded, but neither of us moved. I was too mesmerized by the way he was looking at me. At me and not the mark on my skin. He was nothing more than a captain of the royal guard, but I was more intrigued by him than I had been with anyone I saw in that gilded hall.

Evren was staring at my mouth, and I could hardly breathe as he did so. I dug my fingers into my palms to keep myself from reaching out for him and demanding him to close the distance between us. My body begged for him to do so, but I wouldn’t dare allow my words to do the same.

His gaze ran over my face before he cleared his throat and stepped back from me. My center of gravity was thrown off with that one small step, and I avoided meeting his eyes as I straightened myself.

“Please allow me to make sure you get back safely to your rooms.” His voice held an edge to it that it had lacked only moments before, but I simply nodded my head once before turning back in the direction of the palace.

I barely noticed the flowers as I walked in front of him and desperately wished for the comforts of a room I did not know.

I didn’t wait for him to open the heavy door that was an inlay of glass and iron. I headed back into the hallway, the warmth of the palace once again overwhelming me, before he could reach for the door.

“Adara, please wait,” he called behind me, but I didn’t stop. I was being foolish, and I had only been gone from my home for one day. I needed sleep and to clear my head.

I needed…

“There you are.” I stopped in my tracks at the sound of Gavril’s voice and watched as he strolled out of a small room with an amber glass in his hand.

Evren almost ran into my back as I stopped so suddenly, and Gavril’s gaze quickly flicked to meet his captain’s.

“I see you finally met my brother.” Gavril’s words felt wrong, and my body stiffened as the truth of who the man I had almost just begged to kiss me hit me. “Who decided that tonight wasn’t important enough to grace us with his presence.”

“Someone has to man the borders.” His voice was much calmer than I felt. “Not all of us can simply host balls and send someone else to fetch their betrothed.”

I watched as Gavril narrowed his eyes at his brother, and I quickly took a step away from the man at my back. I turned to look at him, and it was as if I was seeing him for the first time.

Evren was a high fae, he was a royal, and he was a liar.

He pulled his gaze away from his brother to look at me, and I could have sworn I saw a moment of remorse flash in his dark eyes before it was quickly replaced.

“And how are the borders?”

“Quiet.” Evren didn’t pull his gaze away from me. “I’m not sure where the rumors of the threats are coming from, but we didn’t see any signs of what’s to come.”

What did that mean?Evren was manning the border between Citlali and the human lands?

“But maybe this isn’t the best place to discuss it.” Evren nodded his head in my direction, and I hated how easily he had just dismissed me.

“You’re right, brother.” Gavril moved forward and clapped his hand on Evren’s shoulder.

I searched the two of them for similarities I might have missed, but they looked so different from one another. So in opposition. And I had been easily fooled.

“I was just escorting Ms. Cahira to her room.” Evren bowed his head to his brother. “I will make sure that she gets there safely.”

I didn’t want to go anywhere with him, but I didn’t say those words. I just stared ahead as the two of them discussed me like I wasn’t even there.

“I will handle it from here.” Gavril held out his arm to me, and my hand trembled as I wavered in my choice. But I finally slipped my hand upon his arm and avoided looking at Evren altogether. “She is my betrothed, after all.”

“Of course.” Evren bowed deeper this time, and I absently wondered what such a powerful man would look like on his knees. He had said that the kingdom of Citlali would fall to their knees in front of me, but I wasn’t interested in them.

Suddenly, I felt so angry with this man that I couldn’t spare an ounce of concern for anyone else.