Lexi's face took on a mischievous grin and her eyes flashed brighter."Not here," she said."You know where I want to go?"
I shook my head, although I had an idea.
"Does that burger place still exist?"
"Our burger place?"I smiled."Absolutely.Let's go."
Sitting across from Lexi, still in her bridesmaid dress, in the vinyl booth with two big baskets of oversized burgers and greasy fries in front of us, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.I should've been upset, or angry, or, well, a million emotions besides deliriously happy, but I couldn't help it.I knew there were so many questions to ask her, so much we had to figure out still, but right then, at that moment, I was just happy in a way that I hadn't been for years.
"Why are you staring at me?"she asked.I wasn't aware I was.
"I'm not."
"You are.You've been holding that burger for so long it may decide to make a break for it before you get a chance to eat it.Now cut it out."
"If I'm staring at you, it's because you're so beautiful and I can't help that."
She blushed and the flush in her cheeks reminded me of what she looked like lying in my arms after we'd made love.
"Stop it," she said and waved a French fry at me before taking a bite.
"I'll try."I took a mouthful of burger and chewed slowly.Making a point not to look in her direction, I turned to stare at the pictures on the walls instead.They hadn't changed in six years.
I turned back to her."I can look at you now?"I teased.
"Stop it," she said, laughing, and then her voice grew more serious."Tell me about you.You know what I've been up to in the last few years with Ben.It's your turn.Tell me what your life has been like."
I swallowed hard.I couldn't tell her.
"I've been working," I said after a long sip of Coke.
"Obviously.But what else?You must have left the hotel.Had a life.Done something."
"Nope."I took another large bite and busied myself chewing.I sent a silent prayer that she would drop it.She didn't know it, but she didn't want to push me for details.She didn't want to hear what I would say.But looking at her pretty face, hard with determination, I knew she wasn't going to drop it.
"Leo, what are you afraid of?Why won't you tell me?"
I took another sip of the Coke and forced the burger down my throat.What am I afraid of?What a great question.
Only everything.I just found out about my son and if I tell her the truth about myself, she won't want me to be a part of his life.How could she?Would she even want me to be part of hers?
I looked at her.Really looked at her.Her long blond hair had been released from its pins and was lying loose around her shoulders.But it was her enchanting green eyes, the same eyes that had haunted my dreams for the last six years that made me admit, "I'm terrified that once I tell you, you'll walk out of my life again."