I looked away and asked, "Are you ready, Nic?"
Nicole's smile lit up her face.She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and, leaving no room for question, said, "Absolutely."
I was supposed to be detached, impersonal, with just the right amount of objectivity to make the wedding sparkle, without getting personal.That's what I taught my employees.It's what every event coordinator needed to know.You needed to be involved enough to make the event special and memorable without showing emotion.I knew this.It's what made me good at what I did.
But when the music started and I saw Lexi walking down the aisle with the orchids and lilies, her shimmery blue dress showcasing the body I still dreamt about, I lost all the objectivity I was supposed to have.I forgot about staying detached, keeping a healthy distance and focusing on the event and the details I was supposed to be orchestrating.Instead, all I could think about was the extreme good fortune that had brought this amazing woman back into my life and how I would be a complete fool to let her walk away again.With every slow step she took, I listed the arguments in my head, the reasons I would give her for staying with me forever.
And then she reached the altar, and took her place across from the man who did have a claim to her.Her husband.My list disintegrated in my head and I watched him look at her with a possessiveness I knew I didn't have a right to.
I looked away and pushed the button that cued the wedding march.Nicole stepped out from the alcove and began her procession down the aisle.Turning, I saw the look on her groom's face.His bride was radiant, and by the look in his eyes, he knew how lucky he was.Love, mixed with a healthy dose of lust, oozed from him as he watched, mesmerized by every step she took towards him.My eyes shifted to his groomsman, Lexi's husband.He wasn't watching the bride; he was staring directly at me, and he didn't look happy.Our eyes locked.
He challenged me, and I smiled in return.Purposefully, so he wouldn't miss it, I let my gaze slide to the left and land on Lexi.There were tears in her eyes as she watched her best friend reach the end of the aisle and take Ryan's hand.I didn't care if her husband was glaring at me.I couldn't take my eyes off her.
The raw emotion in her eyes struck me.Was she thinking of her own wedding day?Remembering the love between her and her husband?The thought made my stomach burn with jealousy.But there was something about weddings.It didn't matter how many I witnessed, there was always a part of me that flashed back to the day when I, too, exchanged vows.
Looking back, I know it should never have happened.I never loved Tamara, not enough to marry her.And unfortunately for her, it didn't take her long to figure that out herself and become just as miserable as I already was.
Watching Lexi as Nicole and Ryan exchanged their vows, I was painfully aware that I didn't have a right to her despite the fact that she would always have a part of me.The justice of the peace declared the couple husband and wife and I watched as they locked in a passionate embrace before sneaking another glance at Lexi.She was staring directly at me, tears streaking down her cheeks.