Page 79 of Vegas Duology

It didn't take me long to click open the right program and dial the number.The room filled with the sound of a phone ringing and then, "Hello?Is there anyone there?"Nicole's mom, Cathy said.All I could see was pink and what looked like a nose.

"Mrs.Lennox," I said."I'm here.It's Lexi.Hold on."I adjusted the camera on top of the laptop and my image showed in the bottom corner of the screen."Is that better?Can you see me?"

"Oh, Lexi," she said."There you are.This is just so crazy.When Sarah called and told me about this, I have to tell you, I was a little concerned.I mean, I didn't think I could actually see you so far away."

I laughed.Nicole's mom had always been afraid of computers; she used to say it was a fad that would pass and refused to go near one.I got lucky when I called Sarah, Nicole's sister-in-law, and told her my plan.She agreed to pick Cathy up and take her back to her house a few blocks away where we could use the video conference software.

"Mrs.Lennox, sit back a bit from the camera," I said.

"Oh."Her face came into clear view."Is that better?"

"Yes."I smiled."Much.Hold on a moment, I'll get Nicole."

When I opened the bedroom door, the quietness took me off guard.Nicole was sitting up in bed, hugging the pillow to her chest and staring at the door.

"You left," she said.

"Yes, I did."I sat next to her on the bed."You needed to get it out.Feel better?"

She shrugged and sniffed."No, I feel like shit."

"You're going to marry Ryan today."

"I know.But I wish my mom was here," she said and blew her nose."I can't believe I thought it would be okay to do this without her."

I wrapped her in my arms and said, "I think I can help you with that.Come with me."I pulled her off the bed and gave her a gentle push out of the bedroom into the suite where she came face-to-face with her mother.Or at least her mother's face, larger than life on the oversized computer screen.

"Mom?"Nicole rushed to the computer.I thought for a minute she was going to hug the monitor.

"Hi, honey," Cathy's voice cracked.

"What?"Nicole looked back to me, and then back to her mom."How?"

"It was Lexi's idea," Cathy said, and Nicole faced me again.

I shrugged."You have to have your mom on your wedding day, right?"

Nicole flew into my arms."You're the best friend ever."

"I know, I know.Now go talk to your mom for a minute and then she can help us get ready.We're running out of time."

While Nicole and her mom shared some private moments, I went and rounded up the hairdressing supplies and make-up and set up on a table in the living room.I gave them a few minutes of privacy, but that's all I could afford.We needed to move quickly.

After dragging her away from the screen, I situated Nicole so her mom could witness the proceedings.I brushed her hair out again and refastened it in the loose bun.As soon as the last bobby pin was secure, a voice came from the computer screen.

"Nicky, come over here so I can see you better."

Nicole moved in front of the computer screen."What do you think?"

"Turn around—let me see the back," Cathy said.

Nicole did what she was told."Well," she said."What do you think?"

"I don't like it."

I sighed and sat on the couch.

"I should wear it down, right?"Nicole asked her mom.