Page 73 of Vegas Duology

"I swim every morning."It was stupid but I was disappointed.I wanted him to be there because of me.It must have shown on my face because he added, "For the last six years.I guess you could say that you inspired me."


He nodded."I rarely miss a day.It helps me relax, and there's something about the water—it clears my head, puts everything into focus.Especially when I have a lot to think about."His eyes caught mine and wouldn't allow me to look away.Not that I wanted to.

"I know exactly what you mean," I said."I've missed it."

"Missed it?You don't swim anymore?You told me once that you swam every day.It was important to you."

He remembered.The water between us heated up.The proximity of his bare chest stirred a conflict of emotions within me, and I became very aware of the tiny bikini I was wearing.I wanted to reach out and touch him, feel his skin under my fingers.At the same time, I wanted to dive under the water and swim away from him and the swirl of feelings I was having.

"How do you remember that?"I asked.

"Lexi."Leo's voice dipped low."I remember everything."

What was I supposed to say to that?We stood there, facing each other, not speaking, for a few minutes.A warm breeze floated across the water and I shivered.

"You're cold," Leo said.He moved towards me, like he was going to wrap his arms around me to keep me warm.I wanted him to.Despite myself, my body yearned to be held by him.He wasn't the only one who remembered everything.

I took two steps back and said, "No.I'm fine."

Leo moved back against the wall and I wanted to yank him back towards me.With the distance between us, I did feel a little cold.

"You didn't answer me," he said."Do you still swim every day?"

"I don't, actually," I said."I was just thinking about how good it felt to be back in the pool after all these years."

"Why did you stop?"

I opened my mouth to tell him about Ben, the business of motherhood, how life changed and time seemed to slip away.Instead, I said, "Things change."I looked down, uncrossed my arms and skimmed my hands across the surface of the water.

"They don't change that much," he said.Something in his voice made me jerk my head up to look at him.His dark features formed what I thought was a frown before morphing into a grin.It happened so fast, I couldn't be sure I'd seen the sad look at all."That would explain the suit," he said.His eyes assessed me and my skin burned under his gaze.

"What's wrong with my bathing suit?"

"Nothing," he said, holding his hands up in defense."It's quite nice, but not really what I'd call a typical lap swimming suit."

I fought the urge to duck my head under the water and cool off my embarrassment."I wasn't planning on swimming.But..."

I didn't need to finish my thought.I could see he knew exactly what I didn't have to say.I shivered again, but this time not from the breeze.

"Will you let me buy you breakfast?"he asked and before I could protest, he added, "Right here by the pool.You don't even have to go change."

I nodded and pushed thoughts of Andrew, sleeping unaware, out of my head.It was just breakfast and suddenly I was starving.

Ten minutes later, we were settled at a table next to the pool, partly surrounded by palm trees.Soft music floated on the breeze from hidden speakers.I had no doubt that later in the day loud dance music would be pulsing through those same speakers when the party began to pick up.But for now, Leo and I had the deck mostly to ourselves, with the occasional tourist wandering by.

Leo had made a quick call on his cell phone and before I knew it, a young staff member, her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, showed up with plush terry cloth robes, and a cart laden with coffee, fruit, and a variety of fresh buns, croissants, and other delicious-looking temptations.

"Wow," I said after shrugging into the warm robe."This is pretty amazing.I didn't even know there was a cafe out here."

"There isn't," he said.

"I guess working here has some privileges.This is impressive."

"Sorry," Leo said and his confidence slipped."I should have asked you what you felt like.I just thought—"

"Leo.It's fine."I smiled."Honestly.It all looks very nice.I really am impressed."I took a seat and reached for the coffee he had just poured for me."You must be doing very well here."