At the table next to them was a lady sitting by herself.Her back was to me, but I didn't need to see her face to know who she was.My body's reaction told me that.My muscles tensed and the skin on my arms prickled; the clench in my gut and the twitch in my crotch all told me that the woman I never thought I'd see again, but had dreamt about for almost six years, was sitting only a few feet away.
And she was alone.
It took a few minutes for me to regain my composure, but as soon as I was sure my body wasn't going to embarrass me, I gestured to the bartender that I'd be back, and before I could change my mind, I made my way to her table.
What was I going to say?I almost stopped.I almost turned around.What could I possibly say to this woman who I'd only known for a few days, but who'd made such an impact on me?
"Excuse me?"It was all I could think of.
She turned around.Her face, just the way I remembered it, only older, in a completely amazing way, gave away nothing.
"I'm not sure if you remember me—"
"Leo," she said and I released the breath I was very aware I was holding.She remembered.
"Do you mind if I sit for a moment?"
"I'm waiting for someone."Her voice was even, controlled.But I thought I saw her shiver.
I had a strong feeling of déjà vu, only this time I had a much better sense of who she might be waiting for.
"I won't bother you then."I didn't want her to see my disappointment, but I had no right to expect anything more."Have a nice evening," I said and turned to return to the bar.
I took a deep breath, forcing myself to stay in control.When I turned around, I could see some of her carefully controlled composure had slipped.Her hand was outstretched to me.Instinct made me reach out to take it.I wanted to touch her again.
I craved it.
But she pulled away, gesturing to the seat across from her before I could reach her."Please, sit for a minute."
Sitting across from Lexi with her blond hair, her eyes greener then was possible, the physical ache to touch her grew stronger."Lexi," I said.
"You look amazing."I could feel the smile grow on my face."You haven't changed a bit."
She reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.I saw the flash from the wedding ring and felt the smile slide off my face.I pulled myself up so I sat straighter in my chair.I was acting like a fool.She was married, a stranger.What was I thinking?
She saw my reaction and glanced down at her left hand.She tucked it in her lap."I'm married."
"Of course."I nodded."Your first..."I stopped myself.It wasn't any of my business but yet, I needed to know.
She answered my unasked question."Yes," she said, her voice soft, making me strain to hear her."We...we worked things out."
"I'm happy for you."I hoped for her sake that I sounded more genuine than I felt.
"Thank you."
We looked at each other for a few seconds.I drew a blank at what to say to her.More times than I could count, I'd dreamed about seeing her again.In the months after we'd met, I couldn't get her out of my head.The way she spoke, the way she moved, her lips, her naked body under my hands.
Time lessened my fantasies.I moved on; I even got married.But there was something about this woman sitting in front of me.She'd pushed her way into my heart and my brain all those years ago and I could never seem to get her out.
"You're still—"
"I'm the—"
We spoke at the same time, our words tripping over each other.She laughed and the Lexi I remembered shone through her nervousness.Her eyes sparkled with life and her smile lit up her face.